Part 5 | The Evening

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      It was already evening which meant it was time to go to econ. You didn't love it, but you didn't dislike it either. Before you get to class you take a quick stop to check your mail. Over the weekend you've bought many items from Amazon. Stationary, room decor, makeup, stress toys, you know, the essentials. There's nothing big coming up so the only thing that's been on your mind is constantly checking the mail until everything has arrived. So far, the only things that have come in were the cute highlighters that were currently in your bag to use at the class.

      The campus was nice and the August breeze was cool. Fall was definitely coming. You huffed at the empty mailbox and shut it. After you took one step away from the mailbox, you stepped on a silver charm bracelet. It didn't look expensive but it definitely wasn't cheap. You snuck it into your pocket and then went to class. "I guess we're back to square one."

      You hurried your way into the hall with your hands stuffed in your pockets. You plopped down into a seat and put all your supplies on the desk. You slowly pulled the bracelet out and examined it inside of your sleeve. It seemed it could be pawned off for a good price. As more people entered the hall you shoved the bracelet away once again. You put in your airpods to cancel everything out until the lecture started. You were always early.

      You feel a presence over your shoulder. "Whatcha listening to?" You turn around to see Ethan facing you an inch too close and jumped. "Jeez Ethan, you almost gave me a heart attack!" He threw his hands up and sat down. "Hey my bad I just wanted to talk to you." You took out an airpod. "What was that?" You heard him but wanted him to repeat it anyways. "Last night," he started. "You returned my phone. Thanks for that." Oh right. You were so out of it last night you didn't even remember. "It was Tara who told me to. I didn't even know it was yours," you replied brushing it off. "The point is you didn't have to. So take the thank you." You rolled your eyes, "You're right I didn't have to, but friends help each other out like that." He looked around. "We're friends?" You shrugged, "Of course."


word count: 403

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