Part 12 | October

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      "Class dismissed, homework due Friday." You stood up, along with Ethan, to leave class. The two of y'all planned to go out sunday, but the place you wanted to go to was closed. The plan was changed to Monday evening, also known as now

      Ethan was in your car and the two of you jammed out to Taylor, duetting each other.

"Cause there we are again when I loved you so!"

"Back before you lost-"

"The one real thing you've ever known!"

      It never occured to you that he was a swiftie, but here we are. After the song finished and an ad started to play, you turned down the volume. "Why a pumpkin patch?" You ask him, asking about the date spot he chose. "It's a nice night, Halloween's coming up too!" You roll your eyes. "The pumpkins will be rotting by then." He throws his hands up as he's in the passenger seat. "We can just buy ceramic ones from the giftshop." He suggests. You shrug as a response.

      You continue to drive until you spot something in front of you on the road. A person? You quickly panic and stop the car to a halt, preventing you from hitting it. "Ow! What the fuck? What's wrong?" Ethan asked obliviously. You work your way out of the car and tiptoe towards the entity. 

      You screamed bloody murder and covered your mouth with your hands. Ethan ran out of the car to investigate the fire, not closing the door. "Holy shit-" he said, stopping in his tracks as he saw what lied in front of him. Jason's mutilated bloody body.

      "Are you sure Ethan?" Quinn asked him, placing a hand on his knee

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      "Are you sure Ethan?" Quinn asked him, placing a hand on his knee. "Yeah I'm sure. Dudes a creep, he deserves it." "Yeah but.. Dad will be so mad. I mean, Jason's planning to kill some people of his own, yeah? And we'd totally be going against the plan." She worries. "Quinn. Please. It's for y/n. Don't you care for her?" Quinn tilts her head, reluctantly agreeing.

      Ethan stands up and rummages through a drawer and pulls out a hunting knife. "They don't have to know it was us. It could've been some psycho, rando that did this. We'll find someone else to be our first kill." Quinn stands up to walk towards her psychotic brother. "I swear Ethan, if Dad finds out, we're both so dead." Quinn says. "We won't. I'd say I take her out tomorrow, on the way there maybe she finds Jason there on the street. Simple." Quinn hums at Ethan's plan. "I like that. Gives us a little practice too. But what? You want to let y/n survive all of this?" Ethan gawks at her. "Hell yeah. Besides," Ethan starts as he toys with the knife. 

      "I think she's hiding something." Quinn raises a brow. "What do you mean?" "What I said," his tone gets darker and more serious. "You ever notice how, I don't know, she doesn't have a job?" Quinn laughs. "Neither do we-" "I know, I know! But Dad's paying us. Ever notice how she is always asking for shit and never buys shit herself?" Quinn clicks her tongue. "Huh." "Exactly! It's off. But whatever. When we do start this plan, tell dad not to hurt her. Please?" Quinn nods and links pinkies with her brother. "Okay."

      You sobbed and turned to embrace Ethan, who was wearing the navy jacket you bought him

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      You sobbed and turned to embrace Ethan, who was wearing the navy jacket you bought him. "What the fuck!" You screamed out, kind of making his ears ring. "We have to tell the police!" You say after pulling away. You take out your phone to dial 911.

      You, Ethan, Sam, Tara, Mindy, Chad, Quinn- forget it, the whole gang, sat around the living space in your apartment. "We were just driving," you started trying not to choke while speaking. "And he was just laying there!" Sam motherly patted your back to console you. "Well I mean, maybe I've seen one too many horror movies, but it looks like the killer wanted you to see that." Mindy suggested. "Huh? W-why me?" You asked. "Why not you?" Anika spoke up. "He was harassing you that day at the game." Tara's head turned towards you. "You too?" You nodded at her. Chad speaks, "What? Damn, nevermind I don't feel bad. Dude had it coming." "Don't." You snap at Chad. "H-he was inside.. out." You said, cringing. Everyone just stared at you with wide eyes. "Ethan, you got anything to say?" Mindy asked skeptically. "I-I think i'm in too much shock right now." Everyone just brushed off his response.

      "Y/n, Jason was a creep. Think of it as karma." Chad said, trying to make you feel better about it. "I guess.." Tara stood up from her seat. "Guys! It's october, spooky season. We're in New York, there's crazies everywhere." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Come on, let's have fun this october, yeah? Let's dress up, party, watch some movies, y'know! J-just because someone got killed doesn't mean we have to let it ruin our october." She said. "Tara, y/n knew him," Sam starts. She eyes the group with worry. "I-I mean what if-" "Stop Sam," Tara interrupts. "It is not. You're so paranoid." Tara turns to you. "What do you think y/n? Wanna skip town to avoid being killed?" You shrugged. "No." Tara gestures her hands towards you and makes a cocky face at Sam. "Alright, then it's settled. We're gonna make this october the best one yet."

      Your hands wander to Ethan's, linking together as he gives you a reassuring smile. With his other hand he gives Quinn a secret slap on her palm that translated to: Mission accomplished. 


word count: 978

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