Part 9 | Hangover

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      "Fuck," you verbally groaned adding on more and more k's. As you lifted the comforter off of your face, you quickly grimace at the light from the window causing a pang in your head. The room spins and your eyes try to stay still. A chime on your phone causes a sudden snap in your mind and your eyes quickly dart too it- well, the light emitted from the screen visible from your thin blanket. You scramble through the covers to find your phone blown up with notifications. Likes from photos of last night and plenty of photos where you were tagged. In an attempt to gain composure you make a long swipe down half your face with your hand. With your uncovered eye you find the origin of the phone chime, it was Ethan. 

      "I had fun last night," the text read, followed by some dorky emojis. Even in your current state you couldn't help but smile.

"I did too," 


"You okay this morning? My hangover's pretty bad,"


      You lay back down in your bed and turn away from the window. After your phone chimes you quickly pick it up again. "Oh, I don't drink," he texted. You memory was foggy and hazy so you replied a quick "what? actually?" You switch back to instagram and scroll through all of your mentions. Sure enough in every photo Ethan was empty handed, unlike everyone else with their silo cups. "Sober," you thought. "Well that's a green flag."

      You hobble out of bed and stumble in the kitchen to make your favorite hangover comfort meal: cereal. You pour a bowl of Froot Loops and turn on the TV. It's the news. "Today marks the one year anniversary of the most recent ghostface massacre in Woodsboro, victims being teenage students and previous survivors. Today I'm here with-" You flip through the channel once you see photos of your friends and even the killers themselves. You thought it was best Sam or Tara didn't walk in on the news being about them. 

      You decide to text Ethan, who you didn't realize texted you back 6 minutes ago. "Yeah, I don't. Do you not remember?" His text read.

"I don't remember shit lmao,"


"You know today's the anniversary of the killings that happened in woodsboro last year?"


      Your phone chimes, "No way, actually?" He sends. You quickly respond, "Yeah it's so crazy, I feel so bad. Shit is so twisted. At least the killers got what they deserved I guess." You see Ethan's typing bubbles appear and then quickly disappear. After 10 more seconds you get a response. "Yeah. I'm glad they're gone."

      Glad they're gone. You can't help but slightly giggle. It was as if he knew them or something. You hopped off the couch and grabbed some Tylenol to soothe your headache, drinking what's left of the milk in your bowl to get it down. Ethan double texts you, "You tryna get 2gether again soon?" The sudden shift alerts you that that wasn't Ethan, it was Chad. The boldness, double texting, definitely.  You text him a response, obviously saying yes and continue scheduling things.

      Quinn comes storming into the room quickly scanning the counters looking for some Tylenol. "Oh. My. Fucking. God. Fuck!" You point to the bottle and speak, "You doing okay?" Quinn looked as horrible as she could. Hair knotted and covered in sweat. "Yeah, I'm doing totally fine." She says gulping down water. "That was fun, you down to do this again next weekend?" She asks you. "No," you say, your smile and eyes never leaving your screen and your thumbs continued to move. "Why not?" She asks confused, walking closer. "I'm going out." She notices your focus on your screen and peeps over your shoulder. You instinctively turn the screen down. "Who you texting?" She asks. "Ethan." She gets off of your shoulder and leans against the kitchen counter. "Okay.." she starts. "And who are you going out with?" Your response is delayed as you continue to tap at the screen. "Ethan." Her loud verbal gasp finally made you whip your head towards her. "Hold on, what? Ethan? You're going out with fucking Ethan?" 

      Soon a sleepy Tara stumbles out of the room and grabs the Tylenol. "Huh? What? Who's going out with Ethan?" She mumbles out groggily. "Nobody! Well, me, but like we're not dating, we're just going out. Not in a sense like that's us, we go out, it's one date. Well I guess it'd be our second-" Tara interrupts you after taking her pill. "Hold on, what?" Quinn chimes in, "That's what I'm saying!" Tara turns towards you with an accusing finger. "You like Ethan? Because of that one singular date we put you on?" Quinn cocks her face in agreement. "What! No! I mean, maybe..? It was before the date, I swear." Tara rolls her eyes and busts out the Ben and Jerry's. "Y/n, you can do so much better than Ethan," Quinn starts. "You know he didn't even drink last night?" "Is that not a good thing? " You ask yourself." Guys, he's nice, cute, funny-" "Dorky," Tara snickers. You throw your hands up and walk back to your room, lying back in your bed, smiling because you had a date scheduled next weekend with Ethan. 


word count: 880


a note because guess what, IM BACK FROM VACATION. Also I h̶o̶p̶e̶ know that this is an improvement from last chapter so you're welcome 🙏

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