Part 17 | What You Needed All Along

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      You squirmed when your eyes made contact with the stitches on his arm. "I guess we're good to go now," Ethan shrugs. You huff, "But I feel so safe here! Nothing bad could ever happen to us at this hospital." He shakes his head, getting out of his seat. "It's better to stay in a group."

      Bailey obviously didn't think anything through. How was Ethan supposed to kill Gale if he just got stitches and is always meant to be by your side? In the end he caved and let Ethan off the hook, but the tension was still there.

      The automatic doors open and you step outside, hair met with the cool breeze. You text the group chat, "We've finished, it was surprisingly quick. Do you want us to meet up with y'all?" The response is hasty, "Go to Gale," Chad sends, followed by an address. "She needs a safety net too."

      Gale's apartment was large and had a nice view of the city. "Would you like anything to drink? Water, coffee?" She asks while making her way towards the kitchen. "Waters fine." She scoops ice that was frozen into spheres into a glass and fills it with filtered tap water. "You live here alone?" You ask, taking the glass. Gale gives Ethan a look, asking if he would also like one, to which he nods. "Nope. Live with my boyfriend, Brooks." She says, continuing to scoop ice. "Don't even know why they decided to send you here," she starts, shaking her head. "I've been through this rodeo, know it all too well." She hands Ethan the glass, and he gives her an awkward thanks.

      "So, you know their 'plan?'" You nod. "They're planning on tracing the call from a van. Seems a little sketch but hopefully it'll all work out." She hums in response and creeps her way out of the kitchen. "What do y'all plan to do? I have tons of work to do." She looks out of the window and eyes the setting sun. "It's getting late, how about you two just wash up? Brooks ordered food, it'll hopefully be here by the time you two finish."

      You tiptoe out of the bathroom wearing Gale's clothes (that were slightly oversized), while drying your hair with a shirt

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      You tiptoe out of the bathroom wearing Gale's clothes (that were slightly oversized), while drying your hair with a shirt. Ethan sat on the edge of the suite's bed, having already showered, on his phone reading or doing who knows what. You join him on the fluffy comforter, resting your feet on the ottoman. "Finally, peace." You say smiling. "I'm always thinking- waiting for this to be over, but.. When it's over, things won't go back completely normal. People will be gone. I'd have another story to tell, but it wouldn't be nice to." He sighs and puts his phone down, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you in. "It'll be over, and soon. I promise." 

      You turn to him and smile, before he pulls you in for a kiss. It was warm. Maybe it was the heating, maybe it was the candles, or maybe it was because Ethan was warm. He was cozy, soft, you felt comfortable around him. He would never hurt a soul and always smelt like cookies. When you smell cookies fresh out of the oven, you smell chocolate, sugar. But you also smell love and tender homeyness. That smell is Ethan.

      His eyes were brown like pudding; hair curled like your favorite pasta as a kid; moled like a baby duck splattered with mud; teeth sharp like a charming puppy; and a curved wide smile, practically crafted as it was made to resemble the children moments before disaster. You didn't see fear or trauma in that, you saw redemption and a new life. A life you had planned with Ethan forever. There was nothing to break the bond, it was like fate. No wonder you were so attached to him from the night you first met. He was like a reincarnate of what you killed, and is now someone you could resurrect. 

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