Part 6.5 | The Photography Club

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      Jason finally helps you up off the ground. "So how'd you know I room with Tara?" You ask him skeptically. He was short, it felt strange standing next to him since you were so used to Ethan's height. "I saw you walk to the room. Not in a creepy way, I was just walking by. Tara's a cool chick though, she's funny." You raise your eyebrows not knowing what to say, trying to not get jealous of her again. "Well um, anyways, it was nice meeting you Jason," you say with a fake smile. 

      As you turn to walk away, he grabs your wrist. You freeze uncomfortably, quickly turning your head back at him with a "what?" expression. He looks down at your wrist, then back up at your face and quickly let's go. "Sorry, didn't realise," he awkwardly apologizes, clearing his throat. "Um, I just saw you leaving the photography room! Are you apart of the club?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at you. You turn around to fully face him, tucking your hair behind your ears to appear confident. 

      "Nope. Actually, I just turned in my application to join!" He makes an annoyed, face. He clicks his tongue, "Man, I was hoping you were apart of it. I was thinking about joining. I love taking pictures but," the -ut part of but drones on for what feels like forever. "B-but?" You ask impatiently. He snaps his fingers as he just remembered a thought. "But I don't have any equipment! I used to really be into this stuff but.. I don't know, everything disappeared. I was hoping the club might be willing to lend me some stuff if I join." You stare at the ground and raise your eyebrows annoyed and uninterested. "I'm sure they will!" You look up at him. You see his eyes glimmer and a smirk grow. "Alright y/n, I'll be seeing you."

      "That guy was hella weird." You thought. You just shrugged it off because he could've been awkward, similar to Ethan. Quinn was right, where were all of the parties? Lately it's been nothing but go to class, eat, sleep, repeat. Luckily it was thursday so hopefully you could soon go out friday night. You headed to a pawn shop near an alley. It was a little far, but you did some research on the bracelet. It wasn't any Tiffany, but it's an old brand in good condition. It should sell for something.

      You head into the store with a ring of a bell. An old dude, tatted with tattoos, gives you a warm welcome, "Welcome to The Armstrong Pawn! Looking for anything in particular?" You shake your head. "No sir, I'm actually trying to see if I can pawn this bracelet?" You hand him the bracelet and he starts to analyzes it. "Vintage. Just the bracelet?" You nod, hoping the price is something above $15. "Hm, alright, 20 bucks. But hey, come back if you ever get more stuff 'ight?" You nodded and took the money gratefully, not wanting the bracelet back. You just preferred pawn shops to consignment stores, having grown up paycheck to paycheck. You needed this money, for a gift. You've been spending all your time in college mooching off your friends jobless, since your mom cut you off.

      It was Ethan's birthday saturday. You walked into your room to find the whole gang: Anika, Mindy, Chad, Sam, Tara, and Quinn, but no Ethan. They were all talking fast and frantically, but they seemed like they were having fun. You put your bag down and joined them on the couch. They all stop talking and pause looking at you, you were always the odd one out. "Okay y/n, promise to keep a secret." Chad says, firmly. You nod, wanting to know what was happening. "We're throwing Ethan a surprise 'party' at my place. We have most things planned but we need someone to keep Ethan out of the house saturday. Do you know anyone?" You sit up straight to face everyone. "Oh, I know someone. But what do you mean by 'party?'" You say with air quotes. "Oh, you know Ethan," Quinn starts explaining. "He doesn't really like parties, he barely likes us." They all laugh. Tara joins in, "He isn't too popular either. We're just gonna throw a little get together, just us!" Everyone nods at you. 

      "You'd know a thing or two about being popular Tara. This dude named Jason somehow knew I was your roommate." Everyone grimaced while you gave an innocent "what?" "He kinda has a thing for Tara. I smashed his camera when he started taking photos of her. He threatened to kill me." Chad explains. "But enough of that, who's this person you know who can distract Mr. Landry on saturday?" You look around then pointed at yourself, "Me."


word count: 805

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