Part 7 | Friday At Econ

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      You scoured the racks at the cheapest local men's boutique to find something for Ethan. It was getting chilly especially with October slowly approaching. Hay bales decorated the floors of the shop that glowed with warm evening lights. You had econ with Ethan in thirty minutes so you tried to be hasty with your decision. It was getting cold, and you remembered his goosebump infested arms in class once. You walked to the jacket section, boots making the wooden floorboards creak. 

      And that's where you found it: A dark navy blue jacket with a red plaid lining. You thought is was so Ethan. It would totally go with the polos he loved to wear. You used the $20 from the pawn shop to purchase the jacket with one cent remaining. You headed to the room to write the card. 

      You walk through the door to find the closest pen and paper. "So, y/n," Quinn starts while flipping through channels on the TV. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" You tilt your head at her and smile. "Well what are you planning?" She mutes the TV. "Some drinking, movies, games. Y'know, classic hangout shit." 

      You start to write the note on an index card from your backpack. You place the pen on the counter when you finish. "Well," you start, walking through the living room collecting your things. "I plan to take him out. We can get brunch and take a walk I guess. Should I give him the gift then or while we're all together?" She shrugs as she unmutes the TV, extending her arm far. "Eh, I don't know. I know Chad's giving it in the morning. I'm just saving it for the party since I won't see him." You nod and say your goodbye as you head out to econ. 

      Since you had to find a jacket and head home, you weren't as early as usual. Actually, Ethan was already there. He saved you a seat and you sit down next to him. 

"Hey Ethan, you doing anything tomorrow?"

He leans back looking bored. "Not really, no."

You turn to him in your seat and grab the armrest to lean in closer. "You wanna hang out?" You ask smiling. "We could get brunch together!"

He smiles, showing off his fangs. "Y-yeah sure! That'd be cool, y/n."

"Alright so where do you wanna go?" You pull out your phone and start to scroll through Yelp.

He points to a place and you slap his hand away. He laughs as he was caught off guard. "Hey!"

"Hands off my phone. So you want to go here?" You point at the place he did.

"Yeah," he nods, making his curls bounce.

      You smiled back at him, and as you two scheduled the brunch, you came to a realization. Ethan was actually cute, like really cute. You never realized it as it was kind of masked by his dorkiness. As you guys became closer friends, the little things started to become a big deal to you. The way his curly hair sat on his head, the way he stuttered sometimes when he spoke, the way he was corny, but really funny. Suddenly everything became surreal as you realized, maybe you like the guy.


word count: 532

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