Part 4 | Midnight Snack

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Your stomach gurgles from not eating before. You're so hungry.

You just couldn't stomach the overwhelming you feeling you have about, well, what you did.

      However, you can stomach something now, and that is food. So, you sneak your way into the kitchen to heat up the chinese from earlier. As you put the food into the microwave, you turn around to see Tara. "So you finally decide to eat, at midnight?" Tara asks. You scoffed obviously annoyed. "Okay sorry Tara. Not everyone can sleep well and have the perfect meal times as you." She raises an eyebrow at you, "What do you mean." You roll your eyes. Can this girl not tell? She's literally perfect and awesome at everything she does. She has all the guys wrapped around her finger. Ethan, Chad, that one dude from her film studies class. However, you don't want to be that nonchalant. "I don't want to be you, or well, I do I guess. It's just that I'm not. So what if I'm eating not even real chinese at 12:17 am? I'm over everything. So just go back to sleep so you don't get eyebags on your perfect face."

      She gawks at you, "You think I'm perfect?" You nod slowly. "Ouch. Y/n, my half sisters dad was a killer. I've had people come after me. I was attacked. In all honesty at that point I wanted to be dead. I'd rather be dead then having to stay alone in that dumbass hospital. My moms literally a drunk. My dad is gone." She started tearing up and you've realized you've made a mistake. It was probably your hunger making you cranky. You hug her, "I'm sorry Tara. I know about all of that, I guess it's just easy to forget when you didn't go through it. It's just-" The microwave went off. You guys both jump from the sudden noise and laugh.

      "It's all good y/n, I can tell you aren't really one hundred percent right now." She says wiping away a couple of stray tears. You thank her and take the food out of the microwave to sit on the couch and watch something. When Tara sits, she shifts around and then pulls something from between the cushions. It was a phone. "Who's is that?" She looks at the lock screen, it's a photo of a schedule. "Ethan's. Hey, can you return this to him?" "It's midnight." "Yeah but poor guy needs his schedule."

      So now you're knocking on his door. He lived within walking distance but you drove just in case. You've been standing there a good minute and no answer. You knock again. Soon enough you see a light come on from the windows. The door opens, it's Chad. "Y/n? What are you doing here so late?" You walk inside. "Tara found Ethan's phone in the cushions and wanted me to return it." Chad holds his hand out so you give him the phone. "Poor guy, he cried like a little baby when he couldn't find it. I'll tell him about you coming over. Catch you later okay?" He shoos you out of the door before you even get a chance to say bye.


word count: 532

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