Part 5.5 | The Evening

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      "Alright, I will be seeing all of you tomorrow evening, goodbye. I recommend you all starting research tonight as that will become useful Friday."

      You started stuffing everything into your bag while Ethan towers over you, waiting. "Hey can you not look down at me like that? It's stressing me out." He walks closer to the exit saying "my bad" over his shoulder. You two were the only two left in class as everyone else scrambled out to have dinner or maybe attend an event. Something must be happening today.

       You zip up the bag and hauled it over your shoulder as you then started scrambling towards Ethan. "Sorry, I felt rushed." You try to catch up, but although you guys were walking at the same pace, his longer legs made him a couple steps farther. "I know the feeling," he says not looking back. You have to jog just to catch up. 

      You look around at some commotion near a fountain, a staple landmark at Blackmore. The mascot Willow the Crow hovered on top of it. There were a lot of kids clamoured around it. You tap Ethan's arm repeatedly to get his attention. "Look at the fountain, 10 o'clock." He looks around confused. "I don't know my clock numerals-" You grab his head to bring it down to your eye level and turn it to the fountain. "What's happening over there?" You lean in to whisper. He brushes you off. "In honor of the dean's birthday, the kid's pranked the fountain. I don't know it's some sort of tradition. My older brother told me all about it." You turned to look at him. "You have a brother?" 

      He points and speaks matter-of-factly, "Correction: had a brother." He continues walking to his room. "Had? What happened to him?" He turns back to look at the fountain. "He died, car crash." You couldn't believe what you'd just heard. It's hard to lose a loved one, but from a car crash as well? He was taken much too soon. "Oh Ethan I'm so s-" "Check it out, they're putting bath bombs in there." He walked towards the fountain and you have no choice but to follow. You guessed he just didn't want to talk about his brother.

      The crow had painted on lipstick and cheap, thin, toilet paper hair. The bath bombs were the icing on the cake, adding fizz and color to the scene. There were supplies everywhere, you guess they got a little extra. It was a mess, but it was also grand.

      A school newspaper/photographer girl showed up. She was asian and had her blonde hair in pigtails. With the Canon camera around her neck, you knew Ethan was right about this tradition. She started snapping pics until she walked up to us. "Are you guys freshman?" You and Ethan nod a  yes. "I thought so. Hey, we're going to take group photos but it's seniors only. But you guys can still help with taking the pictures, maybe I'll even consider you for the club. What do you think?" You eagerly nodded as Ethan just shrugged. 

      "Yes, that would be great." You weren't a photographer at all, but it's always nice to capture moments. Pictures make it easier to put things into perspective with all of the other people. Without it it's just your point of view you're viewing. It's easier to sympathize when you can think about others. Becoming apart of this club would greatly benefit you and keep your mind off things. "Great! I'm Kristi! I'll put everyone into position, all you need to do is stand near that hedging and take a pic! Any questions?" You shake your head as your eyes wander to an uninterested Ethan. "None at all! I'm y/n." "Nice to meet you y/n," Kristi says with a smile.

      "Hey Ethan, I can tell you're obviously bored so you can just go home, you don't have to wait for me." He sits down in the well trimmed grass outside of the cameras view. "I'm fine. I just want to sit here and relax honestly," he says, leaning back.

      Kristi gets everyone posed and gives you a thumbs up to start snapping. You take portrait, landscape, filter, no filter, until you have enough of a display to show Kristi. You needed this club, you might lose your mind without it. When it's all done, Kristi comes over to check your work. "These are nice y/n! Stop by the club's room for an application! Not much talent is needed, no one really wants to be in this club." You nod and give her a "will do."

      "Okay Ethan time to go," you say kicking his leg as he is lied down. His eyes have small sparkles as they slowly come open. "Damn it's already dark." You look up at the sky and see his eyes were reflecting the stars. You then help him up.

      "Not gonna lie that was kind of fun," Ethan said heading back to the apartment with you. "I mean, I got in a nap and got to spend time with a friend." You smiled and playfully nudged his arm. "You're talking like we're in a movie." He shrugged. "What if we are?"


word count: 872

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