Part 3 | Reminiscing

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      You realized you were wrong about that Ethan Landry guy. He's just your average college nerd. You knew this because you had economics with him in the evening, and you haven't felt that same way about him since that dinner. This is a good thing though, it's never good to get that close with someone.

      Lately you've been feeling a lot of deja vu. Something about everything has been feeling weirdly familiar even though you just started college. It could just be the anxiety from being back here though, after what happened last time you were in New York. But this is a good thing, it's time for you to forget about your past and start a new clean slate here, burying the past.

      You were doing homework until you hear Sam knock on your door frame. "Hey y/n, I'm off to therapy. Is there anything you want me to get you on the way back?" Sam has been having therapy because of her trauma and intrusive thoughts. Sometimes you're actually kind of scared of her. "Yeah, could I get Chinese takeout? Whatever's good." You replied. "You got it."

      You wondered if therapy might be a good option for you to. However, you don't want anybody to worry or ask questions. It's fine though, journaling and other hobbies help you relax and keep your mind off things.

Soon enough Quinn comes in with some random guy so you know it's time to leave.

      You take this time to go on a walk. It would be like exposure therapy. You've been trying to stay as close to campus as possible but today is the day you set aside your fears and take a walk around the city. It was pretty and bustling with people going out for an early dinner after just coming home from work. It's like you've never left. The donut shop still has its bright CMYK color scheme, the costume shop is still filled with nerds and cosplayers, and the asian street food place still had that long line worth the wait.

      Soon you walked past a small apartment with an A on it, and suddenly you were back inside that very building. You heard screaming children and a crackling fire. And as quickly as you got inside that building, you were out.

      You finish your walk and head back to your room. Sam laid the takeout on the table. You put the takeout in the fridge and start walking towards your room. Sam got up from the couch and asked, "You okay y/n? You're not going to eat?" You turn around inside your doorway. "Never better, I just lost my appetite," and then the door slams shut.


word count: 450

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