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The place was thronged with people. The queues and shouting filled the area, another market located in the middle of the city. Which was to be quite straightforward—a distraction to one or other soul.

There were all kinds of figures and mercenaries to be discovered. Even in broad daylight, it could be found—between fraud, bittersweet scams, and rare generosity—there was a wide range. One might see them if they'd dig deep enough in the dark alleys.

A death wish.

The swift turn among the dark alleys would soon cause a bittersweet blessing of crimson red.

The streets were filled with commotion, shouting, and yearning to get the deals that were worth the most. The figures would hunt after the small animals that'd steal their sweet property. There were more scenarios to choose from than the mind could think of.

Different people were crossing and blocking the streets by the weekly big grocery shopping in the city. How disadvantages could build up just by the weekday falling on one of the weekends.

Meanwhile, the only thing from your perspective that you heard was panting. The wind was cutting the skin off your cheeks. Your legs were close to the edge of burning to fire. As the gravity began to feel like it stopped.

You ran.

You didn't feel your lungs collapse yet. No sign of stopping. Nothing else in the focus. There couldn't be another focus. You were on an important chase.

The destination of your goal— rather who it was. It happened to be someone. A creature of the shadows. A blood-sucking demon, that caved for the crimson liquid. The one thing that ran through the body, that kept it alive, the primary life force—which was blood.

The bloodsucking monster had licked the corner of its lips from the blood. Their tongues slowly consumed the drop of liquid in crimson tones.

The corpse lying there was lifeless. Just a moment ago. Your eyes had widened and captured the true torture. That body was once someone's family and this vampire would pay for it.

A level of disgust struck through you. A stabbing hatred at that moment. Your blood was boiling stronger than ever. Lightning, giving yourself the energy to chase them down to the last.

At a constant speed, you had held yourself up on the roofs to keep him in sight. Despite the struggle of gravity you got closer.

The determination, the flame to erase every last one of these creatures.

Each second, a footstep closer. A meter further to the goal. But then slowly your lungs felt heavy.

You began to run out of air.

'Not here. Not now—' you thought desperately trying to hold on.

You kept clenching to your last resort. Taking a gun out. You held it and fired. The second it let go of its trap, it was too late. An ear-damaging sound, that trapped the vampire in an uncomfortable position. He stood there trying to block the sound out with his hands. His best attempt to prevent it from crawling under his skin — but it stopped him.

That was the moment you put him in handcuffs. The cold metal left your hands and met that of the icy wrists of the vampire.

The desire deep down was burning to the truth that there was an emotional imbalance towards wanting to stab the creature badly into the chest with a pile. To drill it slowly into the center of their body and watch them be erased by the sunlight. Crumbling to ashes and wincing in pain— to scream and fear for their nonexistent lives that they sold to the dead.

Blissful Bite ─ Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now