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The morph of the thin line to a smile made it unsettling to me. I watched him closely, he could lash out at any moment as fragile as a bomb. He could explode like one.

I disliked the idea of that, as I preferred and intended to keep my job, yet his praise sat wrong with me. It wasn't right, it didn't feel earned to me. There was something suspicious about it, perhaps even uncanny.

The cold corridors, dark and bleak as they were engulfed me. His

"You got us another vampire. Congratulations on the successful hunt," he said while patting me on the back. I lost my steady stance for a moment, I stumbled backward with my eyes wide.

"Oh.." I trailed off with a smile, "Yes, I suppose. I have tried my best after all."

"We only want the best of you, remember that kiddo. Otherwise, you've got no use here." He laughed in a condensing manner. I nodded quietly, it was a compliment, no it was a warning.

On the other side it was true what he said, without my extraordinary ambition to put my life on the line, I wouldn't be too much. There isn't much of a talent in me—nor any other ability. Certain people could wield the elements with so called visions, but these were rare as true hope of peace among the civilization we lived in.

I never thought about it, perhaps once I would no longer be of use to them, I would no longer have a place here. That was all in one, an intimidating course of coherence in my imagination. A word, a single slip-up, and a missed opportunity could all lead to my downfall in this organization.

A single one.

I hated it, I despised the thought, but it kept me ambitious and alive. Working hard was my one good outstanding quality—and being persistent about things.

I looked up at him, goosebumps formed on my skin as I espy a glance at him. His eyes were veiled in a dark menacing aura, lifeless, and no soul dared to stay looking too long his way. There wasn't a single spark to lit up.

After he no longer let a word, or order come from him, I went to the strategy room. When opening the door I saw no one, I sighed, my muscles relieved. When I tried to decipher whether or not my memory had tricked me, when I saw that expression in front of me, I shivered. Everything went from hot to cold.

"What are you doing there, little one?" a voice called out from the dark, I jumped back. I was startled and a yelp came along. My eyes were still wide open when I starred at her.

The light blonde female wore a smirk, so sweet and confident at once. "Hello, Miss Lisa," I said, biting back any bitterness I felt about the scare. Her eyes scanned me, skeptically with the smirk never leaving.

"Are you scared? That's an interesting thing, the little Y/n is scared of Varka." Her tone transcended to sweetness. My chest tightened and knotted together, unease unraveled when I recognized this significant tone. One of her signatures. I'd have to be careful with my words, I was stepping on glass. And no one should throw with stones in a house of glass.

"I respect him, madam," I answered it felt blurry and wrong saying those words, I didn't want to lie like this. The lines of my work relationships and missions itself, were not to be blurred. The difference was one would be acting for survival the other was an immoral casualty that would worsen my relationship with my coworkers, yet I didn't feel bad. This place was awful and I only stayed to make a change in some way.

Lisa looked me, her lips were about to depart as the doorknob pressed down. The door opened and revealed few figures of different shapes. From the higher to lower ranks—the blonde acting grandmaster, the captain named Kaeya with hair as blue as the nightsky, and lastly Eula a young elegant woman with blue hair. There wasn't the slightest smile breaking the tense atmosphere. Dark and soulless eyes piercing mine.

I was scared of them.

My heart began beating rapidly against my ribcage, never had it been this much of a cage. Their sight was horrific. I felt my breath catch in my lungs, the noise of the hectic rhythm in my ears. I starred at them, my joints wouldn't take any command of mine, and fear stirred up in me like a quiet storm that unraveled.

The worst nightmare to come true as I starred at the group silently. It wasn't right to be afraid or them, not like this. Not when we were supposed to be on the same team, but it never felt like this. It would be an overestimation to assume that.

"We've got a mission for you."
Jean said, calling for my attention with her words. I gulped, turning slowly to her. The knot in my throat wasn't easening up.

"Listen carefully, we won't repeat it, we do not carry responsibility for any incompetence." Eula scoffed adding, a glare rested on me from the side. I felt it, she had her eyes on me as though she'd stab me any moment.

"I'm listening." I said.

"Your mission is to infiltrate a mansion that is rumored to shelter a vampire, figure out who it is, bring them back and write each day reports to us of the tiniest process you make." Jean addressed, channeling my attention back to her calm iced voice.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

"Everything else has been taken care off." she said to me and I nodded quietly.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
RAINEE's NOTE; Am I insane 2 chapters of two venti fics in one night? No totally not, but I just finally figured out the plot hahaha hahaha yes and I'm proud of it if I might say so.

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