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When I stand with him in silence I take my time to look at him, observe him—watch him. I knew my mistrust of others was harmful, yet I couldn't aspire to be different. There wasn't a person who my intuition wasn't right about.

And somehow my mistrust was deeply respected for where it had gotten me.

His face closely observed displayed a few details I didn't notice before in the hectic that I've felt. Some which really changed my minds picture of him.

His hair was dark, ocean blue tips meeting the dark. Meanwhile his eyes were shining in the shades of nature. Embraced by a warm comforting light that pulled one to him, to trust him. To me they felt like smarags as they had something charming to them. Something that could might as well cause my doom.

When the wind passed us quietly howling his braids moved lightly in the wind. Yet I didn't notice my eyes and mind both wandering. They were distracted by his sight and my suspect of the situation. There were things that I wish would have gone differently. When my mind dug to deep into those thoughts— when he cleared his throat to mention something, my heart jump a beat.

"I wish to make up for it." He smiled turning his undivided attention to me. I felt it burn into my skin metaphorically— His eyes they were all on me that moment and I knew it. There was no way to avoid his suggestion without upsetting his feelings. He truly only tried to help me which that moment, I didn't want to accept.

There was always a catch, a second secret motive people hid.
I knew there were kind people out there. The world was flawed and cruel, but not every dark place was filled with pure darkness.

If I could've gone back that moment I would've prevented my stubbornness. I shook my head, "I'm a hunter.. that's normal business." I said sighing. My silence could've told a lot as well, but I choose not to remain silent and give him my reasoning why it was normal to me.

When his eyes met mine, I saw a spark in them. A shimer of hope and kindness. One that was rare to find these days. "Still as you bumped into me, your injury shall be my business too, to treat." He smiled, sounding so free spirited with that expression resting on him that surprised me. How was he so nice to a random stranger when the world was yet so cruel.

"No please—" I protested shaking  my head, but in the next second before I realized I got cut off.

"A vampire hunter with a injured leg won't get far without being killed." He returned, looking at me with crossed arm. As he stood there in front of me his stance steady. He tried to underline the point that I'd have no use to the world if I were dead.

He was right.

Why did he have to be right? Sometimes it annoys me that he knows it better than I did, tbat I couldn't allow myself to be reckless.

Despite all— he was right and in some way I appreciated the care. Even if I struggled at first to not reject it.

That's what influenced my stubbornness to fade and give into his aiding hand. He seemed to be okay on first sight, not that I'd blindly trust him, but I shouldn't reject a kind offer.

I sighed, "Archons.. alright." I noticed his posture stiffening a bit at the word. The subtle smile he wore on his lips turned melancholic. He seemed uneasy at this point.

And I didn't know what to attempt to change from this awkward situation. I didn't know hie to smoothly transition this conversation into a less strange one.

A weird thought crossed my mind that point— he did look familiar to the anemo archon. The one they called Barbatos, but the suspect I felt washed away as soon as I glanced at him again.

To me it was still strange that he had seemed to react this strange around the mention of that.

The streets were filled with people and chattering. Each door that went past my sight gave me more of an odd feeling. After a while of us passing through the crowd I speak up. "Then what is the plan?" I ask as he leads me up to the next doctor. I look at him, not daring to let my eyes slip off him.

He keeps quiet for a moment. I only heard my faint breathing in silence. I felt confused. He let go off my hand that had embraced around his cautiously.

"To get your injuries fixed with some help." He answered simple, jerking his gaze towards me. He didn't say mote or less than that and to me it was enough to understand not putting to many questions on my mind.

He continued to lead me through the crowd. Where we met at the end with a extraordinary door, grand and majestic in it's warm yellow color.

I looked at him unsure, outside of my job I wasn't too confident with my ability of guessing directions. I usually had a map of some sort with me or would memorize where to go, but this time I didn't had anything like that nor did I know this doctor, I heard of them at least.

Venti pushed down the door handle to open it. The door swung open and he gestured for me to come in as he held it in spot.

"What a gentleman.." I smile thanking him for the help as I limped with much effort into the entry. I had held my pain in up to this moment and didn't struggke walking as much, but when i had put all of this distance behind me i felt the sharp pain in my knee come back from straining it.

My heart was racing when I realized how I would be late. I had an important meeting and I was nervous.

I felt my mind becoming numb, it didn't react anymore. Racing thoughts that would occupy me dissappeared now as everything was black and empty. My body turned hotter as I processed my stress. While my vision turned more blurry, I felt the blood in my veins freeze.

"Y/n?" Venti turned to me, looking at me with concern. His voice echoed in my ears only faint. My eyes went wide. I felt my mouth becoming dry, the words that stumbled on my mind usually wouldn't come out.

I held my hand to my forehead when I stumbled backward. I flinched once I lost balance, the throbbing pain was too hard to ignore. The last thing I knew was how my heart that raged inside of the ribcage. The adrenaline wouldn't stop pumping through my veins. The sanest pain I've felt yet. After that most things became dark and blurry, embracing me in an unconscious state.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
Yay 1st chapter!!

Blissful Bite ─ Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now