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"I do." I mutter under my breath. He squeezed the embrace. Unlike those that I have experienced before, it wasn't comforting. It became closer to an ordeal. I winced, and his grip became tighter.

"Good, then you know what is left to do." he leaned his head on my shoulder. I felt that bitter-no malicious smile on his lips. Call me cynical, but I knew it.

I knew it all along. No one could tell me differently, and I was right. It went as expected, a bitter day.

"Come out," I call, Venti loosened his grip. All the strength left his arms at once. I looked back at him. His beautiful, emerald green eyes were wide.

I smirked and chuckled lowly.

What an irony.

Kaeya stood behind us.

"So you did come?" I asked with a snarl. "Now is the worst timing."

This space between us filled with a variety of emotions, some annoyance, some confusion, others could be drawn back to irritation.

The blue haired knight smiled, his eye patch emphasizing his wicked smirk. I had the worst urge-to give him a well-deserved punch.

The moon in the company of the stars dressed the sky with light. It illuminated Kaeya and his ocean blue hair. Although, I'd be a fool to believe the knight was alone.

After all, I thought back to my letter. It's the same one I send off towards my regime.

I have returned with news. I am done with the mission. No one was found. I don't need any support, I will come back soon.

Diluc was dragged outside, shackled, and held in place. His mouth drew a thin line, his eyes lost their light, the precious speck of trust I once harbored had been shattered.

I took a few steps back, and Venti had iron around his neck. He flinched and tried to suppress his fear. He knew what I was and how I was viewed.

"You traitor!" Diluc yelled. Whether that was adressed towards me or Kaeya, there wasn't reassurance. The hatred in his gaze was unmatched. No one could have told us towards who his hate was bigger.

Rough hands grabbed my wrists, tighter than Venti ever would have done. My gaze lowered, and a pathetic smile crept up my lips. It was ridiculous. Of course, they'd become suspicious.

"Don't touch her. She has nothing to do with this-" Venti yelled. Those cries came out croaked. The silvers must've burnt with his sensitivity towards it as a creature of the night, which made him struggle to summon the strength in his muscles to defy them.

"Are you human or monster." Kaeya asked, with a mocking glance.

This question made me think, where was my loyalty. Where was my own standpoint in this.

"..." I remained quiet. This spoke louder than words. It became a problem, and the consequences would arrive for either.

"Human.. or a despicable creature?" He repeated, his voiced laced with something inhuman, dark and gloomy. The

Either way, I'd die a traitor or become a hero. My choice was clear as day here. These people were lovely, so sweet and nice. I had made the most precious memories here.

All of the past would be a fading memory soon, and yet I treasured it still.

I knew my answer to this question without hesitation now. It was no riddle as the brains fog dissipaited at once. A smile inched over my face, a satisfactory laugh even.


I watched Venti's eyes narrow, his lips a thin line. However, those darkened eyes didn't seem to be surprised. Almost as though they didn't expect anything but this.
The belief Venti had crumbled in front of his eyes as his soft featured hardened. There wasn't a speck of sympathy or trust left in him.



No one would ever send a letter to Kaeya-especially not Y/n. This brutal beast hasn't been on friendly terms with anyone other than Lisa-but even the purple clothed librarian wasn't a lot kinder than him. Lisa, per se, was less of a threat to this young vile woman than he was. Their personalities clashed in the recklessness she called her success.

It was a surprise to him time and time again that all those stories she told were glorified. They weren't anything but suicide missions to get rid of her, eventually, after all. Someone who knew too much within the regime, who pushed themselves and was as vile as this particular hunter, would be bound to send on risky business. To sort out everything dirty, the order didn't want to put their hands into. A common tactic and experienced by her parents first hand-perhaps to be applied to her sooner or later too.

Even the bravest and best soldiers were bound to be doomed by time and loyalty.

"What are you doing here?" From behind him, called a voice. Not particularly filled with love, but ire. Even hatred had its root in feelings of care, which were the reason Kaeya chose indifference and apathy, to forever cut his ties to the shadows of the past.

A few hours before the plan was executed, he went towards the mansion. In the garden, which was filled with wine plants, not a single soul was present. Silence and a gloomy atmosphere made itself comfortable in a place it didn't belong to.

He recognised that redhead, this thick headed once passionate guy he referred to as family. It was once such a powerful word for him. Now, it was no more than a shade. He answered his question with a sharp smile, "you know why I'm here." he smiled. The redhead glared at him, and those red eyes became dark and sharpened. It looked like he'd mutilate Kaeya by choice on the spot.

"Fight me," Diluc exclaimed, "fight me, you coward!" He narrowed his eyes and drew his claymore. He raised his shoulders, and the glare was colder than it had ever been.

From behind the pyro user came a few guards who caught him off guard in their numbers. They out him in shackles as though they did nothing else before, professionals in a horrible field.

"That'll do another day. Right now, I'm busy, blood traitor."

"You bastard! You promised!" Diluc yelled after him.

It was true that Diluc was a blood traitor. In Kaeya's eyes, his adoptive father died because of vampires who brought him a forbidden artifact to play self-sacrifice.

That was the day Kaeya hardened his heart, attacked Diluc and made him flee out of the city. He had been cast out of the order anyway, but this didn't change the eye injury Diluc gave him, as a reminder that family could be made and cut apart.

To one sibling they were everything once, a past history, the other saw them as strangers without any significant meaning.

And the rest was history.

--✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
I did it before 12am, btw I dreaded this chapter cause it's part of the resolution

Blissful Bite ─ Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now