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I was forced to take part in a celebration. Maybe some would say, "Y/n, you're being cynical and exaggerating, obviously."

No, I wasn't exaggerating, Lisa had to drag me in there.

As soon as I entered the room, it reeked of beverage, and the air was decorated with smells of beef and cake.

I kept myself on the edges of the light. It wasn't mine to celebrate nor anyone else, for that matter, it wasn't a reason to feel amusement.

When a celebration arrives, many feel themselves obligated to take a few drinks. The sound as they chug it down is one a lot of assasins and spies would take advantage of to take their plans and put them into action.

Even I myself wasn't immune to peer pressure. Without Lisa by my side or Sucrose and Albedo, I wasn't in the mood to argue about the beverage consumption.

After what felt like minutes, the world turned, spinned, and worked against my will.

ErOrR  - Temporary system change

Footsteps appeared. They didn't dampen from the staircases, they appeared, that was weird.

"I'll help you by letting you rest eternally." she declared to him, her voice slurred ever so slightly. Not once had he witnessed her drunk before.

This was even weirder.

She had visited him twice, and yet not once has she slacked this much. Something was off, Venti, was upset at her, not for her brilliant schemes or her darling weapons, but her sloppiness.

She stumbled over to him and reached something through the iron bars. The same ones that burned him stronger than the sun would should be dared to reach for them.

"Take this." she mumbled, "before I regret giving it to you." He frowned upon her request, his lips thinned, but he did not hesitate to accept her slip up. His hands embraced the ampoule and stared at it. Crimson red liquid. He'd be an idiot not to know what it was.

The definement of low vs. high class vampires only knew the true meaning that expected one behind the serum.

A blood lust sterilisation serum. A sharp, wicked, and dangerous play of powers humans shouldn't have  intervened with.

However, humans loved forbidden fruits just how they adorned the forbidden knowledge and power. They always would end up as false beings with the complexes of gods. It was their natural desire to imitate the powerful.

"What a charming way to keep me away from a blissful bite." he snarled back, a mocking smile trying to conceal his heart raging against his cage. It was harder than it had before, in 100 years not once was it this unreal.

He noticed the little etiquette on it. In a small sized handwriting, he found a message directed to him.

The next morning, one thing after the other happened. Hooded figures passed by, and people crowded for the public execution. Why should they not? It was an event worth witnessing.

A century worthwhile of gossip that hasn't once been turned into hospitality.

He watched Y/n. After yesterday, she must have tried to conceal the throbbing headache. Beside her Varka and Jean with Kaeya. The purple librarian she mentioned was in the crowd. Venti witnessed her odd smile. It was eerie.

A typical hangover.

Stupid woman.

A harp tuned, filling the silence with a sharp twirl wirthy song, a fire arrow, burning his body to the ground.

Y/n looked confused, then she turned around, a body soaked in blood that fled from the owner in a sea of crimson. Venti watched her as she had to cover nose and mouth from the reeking corpse. He was dead as he burned.

Good people die for a cause, but this person wasn't a good person. Even Y/n didn't hide this thought.
It was written over her face as Kaeya used his ice vision and captured the body in an ice block.

Venti winced, this little movement cost him another burn on his wrist and neck as the iron shackles sank into his skin.

He knew the moment had come. One worthy of sacrifice. It was his life's meaning, after all, to die for his people.

To protect them and take their problems as his, but his revelation would destroy the nations bonds. They swore not to make it known to the public that all archons had been infected by the vampire virus.

Y/n came up to him. His heart raged and cried in fear. His mind begged. He didn't wish to be left there at this point. To be erased out of a long, corrupted history, he had yet to continue editing. It was harder than it had before, in 100 years, not once was it this real.

He smelled the fresh blood on her thighs. She hid it below her clothes. Despite the potion he drank with suspicion, his senses couldn't be subsided.

She plunged the knife through his chest.

Once, for the heartbreak, twice for the betrayal and three times as her answer towards his dreams of their peace.

All turns black one day, yet the anemo God, one who stood for freedom and love, had not expected to be killed by his beloved.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
Remember when I said I'm cooking something? Just trust me on this one 😭 Little tip 1st pov is always Y/n, and 3rd is everyone else.

Also, I'm planning on doing a jude duarte Cosplay soon :) I really like her. So yeah.

This isn't the end yet. Don't worry, but you'll have to wait until next week for it to make sense or the following week.. Who knows, actually? well, I do, but I hope you're patient enough to watch it unfold, dear reader, as much as I am thrilled to unfold the twists and turns.

Theories are appreciated. Discuss this cliffhanger and / or hate Y/n for her decision. Those are all likely options to happen. I'll go study history now. Industrialization and medieval times and how medieval times were the main fundament for capitalism and worker classes happening.

Blissful Bite ─ Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now