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"I'm sorry," I paused to take in the command they had bestowed onto me. "What?" I looked at them perplexed as though they told me reputation ruining rumors and heinous ways to deal with it. (Which, ironically was in a way my case.)

"Kill. him." Kaeya repeated as though it was the most self-explanatory thing in the world.

I contemplated, I had to.

"Prove your loyalty and kill him. That's your task." The group explained, they went through the details with me. The necessity of killing him provided me with an opening to gain their trust back. Thus, it should have been an easy decision, but it tore my mind apart between my sympathy and my rational side.

Sucrose had scrambled a few things together as long as it meant she'd get it done by morning. The glass pipette seemed fragile compared to the rest of her set. It wasn't known to anyone why she persisted in using it.

Sometimes, it was weird to watch her while she'd brew another potion. Most times, no one knew what she worked on. It was a gamble to guess which one would cause an allergic breakout or a paralyzing reaction.

However, I was fortunate enough not to touch anything she told me off from. It wasn't hard to listen to a certified scientist, either, right? So why not a biomedical alchemist.

The green haired hybrid shot me a smile and yanked a water bottle out of the darkest corners of her shelf. She brought me a glass and placed it in my hand.

"Thanks," I say, since that's the easiest thing to say, which also left my mouth without hesitation. I looked at Sucrose for a moment. The solitude in our own worlds might have been obvious to others, but that same company we shared in silence was our connection.

Then the door flung open, two particular blondes came in, white and red, pointed ears and round ones.

I smiled and took Klee in my arms. She giggled and showed me doodles of doddoco right away. As we got immersed into it, I heard Albedo mouth a "thank you" adressed towards me. I nodded without drawing much attention towards it and continued to keep his adoptive sister busy.

Sucrose and Albedo both had their shoulders slumped, and a frown was on Sucroses face, which creased as Albedo mentioned towards some bottles.

The most audible thing I could overhear while keeping Klee busy was how Albedo mentioned, "the crux has been causing some ruckus, the chaos they've caused is the equivalent of a dystopia setting in, destruction wherever they leave."

Sucrose said something—or rather what I could decipher from her lips motions, "that is horrendous. What can we do- Is there anything? We need to keep Klee safe as our utmost priority, Mister Albedo." she said. The blond nodded, he corrected his gloves and turned to Klee.

He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it, a quiet but genuine thank you. Actions do say a lot more than words.

I walked from behind up to Sucrose and heard her mutter, "Where were the anti bloodlust potions?" she mumbled, I perked an eyebrow up. Anti, what?

No surprise that they'd kero their heads down, frowns plastered on their faces followed by hashing their voices. If I were them, I'd do it more obvious, but with a normal conversation covered in code words. Lisa would be one of the few to recognize the patterns right away.

"Hey, Sucrose," I said, calling her back to reality, to get her back off guard for certain. It was all I needed.

An opening.

"Yes?" she replied, "Can you fetch me a tea? I'm kind of feeling like my head is stinging a bit too much for it not to be an incoming migraine." Sucrose nodded and went along with my simple minded request. However, in the bigger picture, it would find a grander importance.

After all, it was only a half lie. I was indeed in need of tea since I felt a stinging headache arrive, as though needles pressed into my head. Little dots in front of my eyesight made it harder to concentrate on picking the right bottle up.

I snatched one of the many bottles and put them beneath my tunic.

I could only pray that Albedo hadn't witnessed it, that Klee was too busy with her doodles. But he was reading a book with his sister, turned away from me.

I looked back at Venti, who was smiling and shrugging at me as if I didn't just question his integrity as a vampire. I asked abouthis pride and vulnerability—feeding on meals. Where'd they came from and how it went for hin. He took a potion in a crimson liquor. Perhaps a potion even.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing, don't mind me," I replied.

He knew something bothered me. He probably noticed the creases on my forehead as I considered his situation. Looking through me—for him—was an easy task for some. Not most people, but a few, which were enough, since they ruined my expectations and morally questionable goals of self-preservation.

He swallowed and smiled, "Well, it doesn't look like nothing, but you know, since you're ogling the liquid, it's an anti blood potion.

"It keeps you away from the unbearable lust?" he nodded, and I remained silent. This was pretty huge. It could solve half of our existing problems, even if it shall create new ones. How could the order never have taken a notice of this? it could've prevented much heartache and anguish.

But I wasn't unfamiliar with the orders questionable decisions. They were no heroes—neither was I—they'd never be. We were all fluctuating a huge gray zone. Operating between what was legal and what wasn't.

"Although, only rich or financially comfortable vampires can afford it this far. Until now Sucrose and Albedo are working on it. You know your friends are quite talented."

"That they are," I agreed, but there was a blunt risk attached.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
fight me, I'll always make Klee and reader have some cute ass bond.

Also, capitalism vs. working class in history was so interesting that I integrated it into this for a moment because there had to be something reasonable why this anti bloodlust potion isn't wide spread.

Blissful Bite ─ Venti x readerWhere stories live. Discover now