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Yeosang POV

Yeosang woke up at his usual 6:30 alarm. He let out a groan and rolled out of bed, dragging his feet to the bathroom lazily. Looking at himself in the mirror "Damn.. I look like a wreck.." he muttered, running his fingers through his messy hair. He had went out to the bar that was a few blocks away from his apartment complex with his friends, Seonghwa and Yunho last night.. definitely drinking a little more than he had intended.

He swallowed a couple painkillers and went on with his usual routine, shower, skincare, and getting dressed. Yeosang chose a light pink sweater vest and some black skinny jeans. He fixed his hair quickly before running out to his car, driving to a nearby cafe and waiting in a long line. He hummed and looked down at his watch, sighing in relief when he saw that he had a half hour to spare. Yeosang put in his headphones and listened to a random playlist as he waited, looking at the man in front of him. Every time the man would look around Yeosang studied his side profile, he had to admit, the guy was drop dead gorgeous from what he could see. Yeosang looked away in the other direction when the man whipped around, he could hear the other chuckle. Yeosang slowly glances at the other and chuckled awkwardly

"Sorry.. I just zoned out.." Yeosang mumbled, scratching the back of his neck slowly. The man chuckled and shook his head.

"Your fine.. but you do look a little familiar.." the mystery man answered. Yeosang just furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head confused.

Jongho POV

Jongho woke up earlier than he usually does. He checked his phone and saw that it almost 7. He got dressed into ripped jeans and a grey hoodie, grabbing his car keys and fixing his hair in the mirror by the door to his apartment. He sighed out in frustration when his hair wouldn't lay a certain way and just put a baseball cap on to hide it. Once he got to the cafe he waited in line and looked around a bit. smiling softly at a little girl with her mother tiredly eating a muffin. He then looked over at a couple who were sharing a large drink. He hummed softly and stared at the couple for a while, feeling a bit envious. Jongho couldn't wait until he found the perfect someone to go on corny dates with and share coffee like this couple.

Jongho's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He turned around quickly expecting to find some creep staring at him but instead he turned around to a man who had soft features, but the others birthmark caught his eye. It was pretty, Jongho thought to himself.

The man quickly looked away with a slightly red tint to his cheeks, Jongho couldn't help but chuckle, earning a chuckled in return from the other.

"Sorry.. I just zoned out" The mystery man said. Jongho just smiled and shook his head.

"Your fine... but you do look a little familiar.." Jongho mumbled, earning a confused look in return.

"Did you go to a bar last night?"

(yayy the end of the first chapter!! i honestly don't know how frequent i'm gonna be with updates but i'll try once or twice a week for now! Hope you enjoyed! <3)

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