6. 🫀(kinda)

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They were kissing. Yeosang was kissing Jongho and vice versa. Yeosang took this time to enjoy the kiss, focusing on Jongho's soft lips and the way he cupped  Yeosang's cheek as he kissed him. Yeosang felt Jongho pull away and he pouted a little.

"Why did you stop..?" Yeosang asked, breathing in and out slowly to calm his soft pants. Jongho laughed softly and shrugged.

"Just catching my breath Yeo. You wanna do it again?" Jongho asked, getting a quick nod from Yeosang in return. Jongho let out a soft chuckle and kissed Yeosang again, this time a bit deeper. Yeosang hummed softly into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jongho's neck and caressing his nape softly, sending shivers down Jongho's back. Jongho swiped his tongue across Yeosangs bottom lip and got a quick welcoming. He slid his tongue into Yeosang's mouth slowly. Yeosang couldn't help but let out a soft moan, feeling his face turn and even deeper shade of red- if that was even possible at this point.

As soon as Jongho heard Yeosang's soft noise his mind went crazy. He let his tongue roam around the olders mouth and happily listened to Yeosang's small moans that he occasionally let out.

Jongho slowly laid Yeosang on his back, hovering over the other and pulling away from the kiss slowly. He felt his face heat up looking at the sight underneath him. Yeosang was panting softly, taking small deep breaths as he tried to control his breathing. His lips were parted and a bit swollen. Yeosang's lips slowly curled up onto a small smile when he realized Jongho was staring. Jongho just looked away shyly and Yeosang rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh stop it~ if your staring just kiss me again." Yeosang said, catching Jongho by surprise. But he still leaned down and connected their lips in another heated kiss.

A few minutes into the kiss both Yeosang and Jongho were taking small breaks in between kisses to catch their breaths. Jongho broke the kiss after a while and left a trail of soft kisses around Yeosang's neck. He smirked softly and kept kissing a spot right under Yeosang's jaw when he heard a small moan escape the olders lips.

Soon after Jongho got bored with just kissing Yeosang. He ran his hands up and down Yeosang's sides, slipping his hands under the others hoodie and continuing to run his hands on Yeosang's sides. Jongho let his hands travel from the others hips down to Yeosang's thighs, slowly moving them closer to the olders member.

Yeosang gasped and stopped Jongho's hands, looking down at him with a small blush on his face.

"Uh- you weren't planning on.. doing anything else.. we're you?" He asked shyly. Jongho looked up at Yeosang and shrugged.

"Not if you don't want it Yeo.." he said in a soft voice, leaning up to peck the others lips softly. Yeosang smiled a little and nodded.

"I'm not ready.. not yet at least. I think we should get to know eachother a little better." He mumbled. Jongho nodded and pulled Yeosang up to cuddle him again, turning on a different movie and resting his head against Yeosang's.

Yeosang smiled softly and relaxed in Jongho's touch. The both of them watched the entire movie without any interruptions this time. Once the credits started rolling Jongho looked over at Yeosang.

"You wanna stay over? It's pretty late.. unless you want me to drive you home?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. How could he be so cute? Yeosang asked himself. He thought for a few seconds before shrugging.

"What do you want me to do? I don't have any clothes with me so.."  Yeosang answered

"We're almost the same size.. my clothes just might be a little bigger on you that's all" Jongho said with a smile. Yeosang slowly nodded.

"Sure.. do you want me to sleep on the couch?" He asked, earning a small giggle from Jongho.

"No! You can sleep in my bed if you want.. I could use something else to cuddle other than my plushies" he said and looked away shyly, chuckling awkwardly. Yeosang giggled and shook his head.

"Your quite the flirt Jongho~ but fine.. I guess I can be your plushie tonight" Yeosang hummed. If Seonghwa and Yunho were there they would be shocked. Yeosang literally NEVER lets anyone touch him. At all. But he also just made out with Jongho and agreed to sleep with him right after.

Jongho smiled wide at Yeosang's answer and hopped up, motioning Yeosang to follow him. And he did. Yeosang looked Around Jongho's room and let out a small giggle. There were plushies scattered across his bed. Jongho tried to throw them all off before Yeosang saw but he still did.

"Wow.. how could you ever get lonely when you have that many plushies~?" Yeosang teased. Jongho playfully glared at the other and handed him some sweats to change into. Yeosang went to go change in the bathroom. He came back out and Jongho stared at him, looking Yeosang up and down. He wasn't gonna lie, Yeosang looked so cute but at the same time super hot in literally just sweatpants and a hoodie.

Yeosang giggled softly and climbed into bed, waiting for Jongho to join him. Jongho got into bed right after and scooted close to Yeosang, laying down and wrapping his arms around Yeosang's waist gently. Yeosang giggled and slowly cuddled into Jongho's chest, closing his eyes.

"Night, Yeo" Jongho mumbled in a soft voice.

"Night, Jong" Yeosang replied, making Jongho blush a bit at the nickname. They both closed their eyes and quickly fell asleep.

(Again I'm on the floor cheesing the ending was so cuteee omg)

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