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Yeosang POV

Yeosang woke up late the next morning, jumping out of bed and checking the time since he thought he was late for work. After seeing it was Saturday he whined and plopped himself back in bed, closing his eyes and trying to sleep again. He rolled over onto his back and pulled out his phone, seeing he got a follow request from someone. He opened Instagram and saw it was Jongho who requested to follow him. Yeosang let a small smile appear on his face as he scrolled through Jongho's pictures, liking almost every single one of them. He gasped after realizing what he did, but it was already too late. Jongho was obviously already getting a ton of notifications of Yeosang liking his pictures from like three years ago. Yeosang just accepted Jongho's follow request and giggled softly watching his notification box fill up with likes only from Jongho. He closed Instagram after the likes started to slow down and stared at the ceiling, only being able to think about Jongho, as per usual. After a few minutes he realized he never texted Jongho back, but then smiled when he made a plan. He was going to surprise Jongho at work and hang out with him, like their first date. Yeosang sighed and roamed around his house, trying to find things to do until six.

Jongho POV

Jongho got dressed into something a little nicer tonight. He didn't particularly have a reason since Yeosang never answered him, he just wanted to look nice. Jongho chose to wear tight black pants and a black button down top (cyberpunk girlies wya). He looked in the mirror and hummed, adding a few rings to his fingers and styling his hair back instead of letting it fall over his forehead. He smiled and grabbed his things, going out to his car and driving to the bar. Once he got to the bar he started the same routine as last night as well as serving a few customers.

Yeosang POV

Yeosang was having a breakdown trying to choose his outfit. Why was he trying so hard? He didn't know. Jongho had seen him in sweats and a hoodie so what does it matter?

Yeosang eventually chose a pink sweater that was tucked into white dress pants (eternal sunshine yesss). He parted his hair down the middle but let his hair fall over his forehead. He smiled wide and decided to walk to the bar since it was close by.

He walked in about half an hour after Jongho started working. As soon as Yeosang laid his eyes on Jongho his jaw almost dropped to the floor. He froze by the entrance and quickly collected himself and sat down across from Jongho. He let out a small giggle since Jongho had his back turned as he worked on another customers drink.

Jongho POV

Jongho heard the giggle and froze. That couldn't be... He thought to himself and slowly turned around to see and ethereal looking Yeosang smiling wide. Jongho stared at the older for a while, examining his outfit. Finally, after a few seconds Jongho shook his head and looked and Yeosang in disbelief.

"Yeo what are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't come cause you didn't answer.." Jongho mumbled, earning a small laugh from Yeosang.

"I wanted to surprise you! And your definitely surprised~" He teased, making Jongho blush a bit.

"You look really good Yeo" He said, making the older blush and look away.

"You look really good too, Jong" Yeosang mumbled. Jongho smiled wide at the nickname and made a drink for Yeosang. sliding it across the bar for him. Yeosang thanked him wiht a nod and took small sips of it. Jongho smiled softly at Yeosang before turning back to make customers orders and hand them out.

A woman came up to Jongho, clearly very drunk and held onto the bar to keep herself stable. She let out a loud hiccup and smirked at Jongho.

"Heyyyyy baby, your so cute! Wanna come back to my place~?" She slurred out, wiggling her eyebrows at the younger. Yeosang obviously heard all of it and scoffed a little, glaring at the woman.

"sorry ma'am, hes taken" Yeosang said. Jongho choked on air and widened his eyes, slowly replacing his look with a sly smile.

"Yes I am taken by my cute boyfriend~ Sorry ma'am." Jongho said. Yeosang turned a deep shade of red and looked away from Jongho. The woman scoffed loudly and stomped off, trying to find another victim on the dance floor. Jongho looked over at Yeosang who was hiding his shy face. Jongho giggled softly and pulled Yeosang's hand away from his face.

"Let's get out of here, it's almost the end of my shift anyways." Jongho said. Yeosang took a deep breath to calm himself and nodded. Jongho told the other bartender working that night that he was leaving early. He let Yeosang follow him to his car and got into the drivers seat, starting up the car after Yeosang got in and drove back to his house. While driving Jongho grabbed one of Yeosang's hands and interlaced their fingers. Yeosang widened his eyes and looked over at Jongho who looked as unbothered as ever. Yeosang smiled softly and watched out the window, enjoying the warmth of the others hand.

(hahjadkjshj this chapter was cuteeeeeee but get ready..... im gonna be cringing so hard while writing the next chapter)

(hint: its gonna be spicy..............................................)

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