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Yeosang POV

Yeosang stood there for a second, wondering how the man would know where he was last night.

"Uh- yeah.. with some of my friends... why?"

"I was your bartender" The man replied and chuckled softly. Yeosang's mouth formed an "o". This man was my bartender?? He watched me get drunk with my friends?? Yeosang thought. This would have been easy for Yeosang to forget if the man in from of him wasn't a literal angel. He felt his face heat up a bit as he looked at their shoes

"Yeah.. that was me" he mumbled. The man just smiled softly and hummed.

"Well I'm glad I found you again, now I'm able to give you this.." Yeosang looked down to see the man had his number written on a small piece of paper. He looked above the numbers to see the others name

"Jongho?" Yeosang asked as he looked up at the other again.

"The one and only" Jongho answered with a smile. Yeosang blushed a bit and opened up his phone, typing Jongho's name and number and texting "Hello" to him

"I'm Yeosang"

"Yeosang.. its very fitting for you.." Jongho muttered and turned around to place his order, looking back at Yeosang and signalling him to order.

"Oh.. no. I can pay for it myself but thanks!" Yeosang said and let out an awkward chuckle. Jongho just rolled his eyes playfully and shook his head.

"C'mon.. you spent all that money on drinks last night.. this is on me." Jongho said. Yeosang just sighed in defeat and ordered a small coffee, watching as Jongho paid

"Thanks.." Yeosang mumbled, earning a big gummy smile from Jongho that made Yeosang almost melt. How could someone get more perfect? He asked himself, his thought quicly getting interrupted when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Yeosang just stood there like a statue, looking at Jongho.

"I have to get going.. I'll text you sometime Yeosang!" Jongho smiled and waved goodbye, walking out of the cafe leaving Yeosang chuckling awkwardly. Okay... that just happened I guess. He thought, walking out of the cafe and getting in his car, pretty much only thinking about Jongho hugging him the entire way to work.

Jongho POV

Jongho noticed that Yeosang was a little shocked by the hug. Was he uncomfortable? Did he not like it? He thought to himself. He shrugged and started up his car, driving back to his apartment since he didn't have work until later that night.

Yeosang POV

Yeosang arrived at the elementary school he worked at, greeting some of the kids that were already waiting outside with a smile. Once he got to his classroom he prepared his lesson for the day and waited for all the kids to arrive. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out, seeing a text from Jongho.

Sorry about the hug earlier.. you looked like a statue lol..

Yeosang chuckled softly at the text. How cute could this guy get? He asked himself, widening his eyes when he realized what he said to himself. Did I just call him cute?? Even if it was in my head... but still! Yeosang sighed and texted Jongho back

It's fine haha! I'm not very used to physically touch

Awe that's too bad.. that's what I love most!

Yeosang blushed a little at the message. He may have looked shocked when Jongho hugged him earlier but inside he was literally squealing like a little girl. He always acts as if he hates physical touch but he's been wanting to just be hugged for the longest time. He just never liked it being from people he didn't know, or even Seonghwa and Yunho. But Jongho felt different, like he was someone he would be hugging a lot more often.

(Might publish the third chapter tonight too!)

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