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Jongho looked down at Yeosang after a few more episodes and hummed. What a cutie.. he said to himself. As if Yeosang heard him he started waking up, letting out a small yawn as he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh- did I fall asleep? I'm sorry I didn't even notice." Yeosang said with a small pout. Jongho melted at the older, shaking his head quickly.

"It's fine Yeo! I'm not mad.. but we do have to leave soon for the movies!" Jongho said with a big smile. Yeosang laughed softly and nodded.

"I can't wait!" Yeosang said. All of a sudden Yeosang gets a call. He looks down to see it's Yunho. Oh no.. he never calls me. He said to himself. He looks at Jongho and smiled awkwardly.

"So sorry.. I gotta take this.." Yeosang said and quickly walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him and answering the phone.

Yeo: "Hello? Is everything okay? You never call.."

Yunho: "Uh.. I don't know.. Hwa hyung is acting weird.. he's like.. shaking a lot."

Yeosang let out a sigh and rubbed his face.

Yeo: "Okay.. I'll be right over. Just tell him he's okay."

Yunho: "No- but don't you have a date?? I don't want you missing that.."

Yeo: "Yunho I'll explain it later. I can't be going on a date if this is happening to Hwa hyung."

Yunho: "Okay.. see you soon."

Yeosang hung up and let out a loud sigh, coming out of the bathroom to see Jongho scrambling back to the couch. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows.

"Were you eavesdropping on me..?" Yeosang asked slowly. He could tell that Jongho immediately felt bad that he had even done it in the first place. He looked down at his hands and just nodded slowly. Yeosang just shook his head and grabbed his things.

"I have to go. It's important.." He mumbled, already putting his shoes on and walking out of the door. Jongho felt bad for eavesdropping, he let out a loud sigh and laid on the couch, staring at his ceiling.

(This was super short I knowwwww but it'll be longer in the next chap!!)

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