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Jongho POV

Jongho eventually got ready for work after moping around his house all day. He missed Yeosang. He felt bad for what he did and he wanted to make it up to the other. He just didn't know how. Jongho just shook the thought altogether and headed out for work.

Once he got the bar he started his usual routine of washing some of the glasses and prepping everything he thought he might need for a Friday night. That's the reason why he had to work so late. One of the hardest nights of the week to be working, especially a late shift like he was scheduled. Whoever came into the bar were most likely half-wasted already. They got cut off by the last bar they were at and ventured out in the middle of the night scouring for more alcohol. Sometimes people were so drunk that they were practically crawling into the bar. Jongho had to help these folks out and get a taxi for them, and usually pay for it too. Jongho didn't mind it though. It's what he signed up for when he became a bartender.

Jongho served people over and over, never getting a break out of the six hours he worked. his shift was from 8PM till 1AM, when the bar closed. When he finally cleaned up and closed the bar he headed home, desperate for a shower to wash the smell of alcohol and the mix of perfumes and colognes from the different people he had to carry out of the bar. Jongho got home and immediately got in the shower, relaxing under the water and just standing there for a few minutes before getting washed up. He got out after a while and got dressed into comfy clothes. He plopped down on his bed and pulled out his phone, staring at his and Yeosang's conversation.

"should I text him..? If i don't will it make me look bad?" He asked himself. He let out a frustrated sigh and just texted Yeosang.

Hey Yeo.. I'm really sorry about earlier.. do you wanna come over tomorrow? Or come to the bar? I work at 6! :)

Jongho pouted a little when Yeosang left him on read. He took a deep breath and cuddled close to one of his plushies, not being used to not cuddling Yeosang even if they only slept together once. He fell asleep after a while of tossing and turning.

Yeosang POV

Yeosang kept reading Jongho's text over and over. He had come home from Seonghwa's house a while ago and had been laying in his bed ever since. he didn't even get up to eat dinner. Yeosang felt bad for leaving the younger on read, but it was for the best... right? Yeosang was frustrated. He had been thinking about their relationship ever since he got home. Jongho was so nice to him so far.. he cared for Yeosang. He thought about what Seonghwa and Yunho said. They barely knew anything about Jongho but they could tell that he was apparently in love with Yeosang. Did Yeosang love Jongho too? He thought it was just a simple crush but Yeosang realized he had been thinking about Jongho literally everyday since they met, even when they were together. Shit.. maybe I do love Jongho.. Yeosang said to himself. He covered his face and let out a loud groan, rolling over and cuddling to one of his pillows. He never did this, but ever since he slept over with Jongho he didn't even feel warm. Just like Jongho, after rolling and tossing around he eventually fell asleep.

(this was pretty much a filler chapter lol.. theres gonna be some *cough cough* interesting things going on in the next chapter...... *wink*)

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