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Yeosang eventually got tired of reading and turned around to look at Jongho. He's so cute.. Yeosang said to himself. His face turned a dark shade of red when Jongho slowly opened his eyes, finding Yeosang staring at him.

"What? Is something wrong with my face?" Jongho asked. Yeosang just blushed and looked away as he shook his head.

"No.. I was just-" Yeosang's words got cut off from Jongho's lips connecting with his. Yeosang sighed softly into the kiss, closing his eyes. Jongho rested his hands on Yeosang's hips, slowly pulling away with a small smile. Yeosang looked down, avoiding the youngers eyes.

"Yeo. Look at me." Jongho said as he placed a finger under Yeosang's chin, tilting his head up. Yeosang had no choice but to look at Jongho. His face was still red, making Jongho let out a soft giggle.

"Your cute.." Jongho mumbled, kissing Yeosangs cheek quickly before standing up, leaving a very flustered Yeosang sitting on the bed.

Jongho went to the bathroom to change into black skinny jeans and a slightly oversized grey t-shirt, putting a flannel on overtop of that. He added glasses as a small accessory too, smiling when he looked in the mirror. When he came out Yeosang just sat on the bed and stared at him. Damn.. Yeosang thought to himself. Jongho let out a soft chuckle as the older stared at him.

"Am I really that good looking~?" Jongho teased. Yeosang quickly looked away and shrugged.

"I don't know what your talking about.." He mumbled, getting off of the bed and putting the book back on the shelf. Following Jongho as they both walked to the kitchen. Jongho grabbed a few eggs and bread, making scrambled eggs and toast even though it was already almost lunch.

"What time do you have to work tonight?" Yeosang asked all of a sudden.

"I have to work late tonight.. I might not even be home till almost one in the morning." Jongho said. Yeosang sat down on a stool at Jongho's kitchen island, slinking down with a pout when he heard Jongho's response.

"I'll sleep at my place then." He mumbled. Jongho glanced back at Yeosang and chuckled softly.

"You know it's like we're actually dating when you act disappointed to leave.." Jongho mumbled, letting out a small laugh. Yeosang widened his eyes and looked around.

"N-no! We're not dating yet.. are we..?" Yeosang asked. Jongho hummed softly and shrugged.

"No.. we don't know enough about eachother.. we really only met like three days ago." Yeosang pouted a little more and Jongho giggled.

"Yeo.. I wanna date you at some point.. your a nice guy.. and really pretty." Jongho said with a small smile. Yeosang finally lightened up a bit and returned the smile. Jongho reached over to ruffle Yeosang's hair then turned back to making the eggs. Yeosang got lost in thought thinking about the two of them dating and didn't even notice Jongho had already placed a plate of food in front of him and sat down beside him, starting to eat.

"Yeo? Are you not hungry?" Jongho asked as he waved his hand in front of Yeosang's face. Yeosang finally snapped out of it and smiled softly at Jongho.

"Yeah.. I'm hungry sorry. I zoned out." Jongho laughed softly and kept eating. Yeosang ate slowly, finishing his food after Jongho was already at the sink washing his dishes. Yeosang walked up to Jongho and started washing his plate beside the other. Jongho quickly shook his head and took the plate out of Yeosang's hands.

"Go sit down Yeo. Your the guest!" He said. Yeosang rolled his eyes playfully and went to sit on the couch, pulling out his phone and scrolling through social media and going through his notifications. He had a bunch of texts from Yunho and Seonghwa, mostly missed calls from Seonghwa.

The Three Musketeers

Hwa Hyung

Yunho Hyung
Yeosang Hwa hyun is very worried and I don't wanna listen to him cry anymore please answer

Hwa Hyung
I never cried.

Yunho Hyung
Sure 😘

I'm okay
I spent the night at someone's house

Hwa Hyung
. . .
You what

Yunho Hyung

Oh my god I did not get laid.

Hwa Hyung
You used protection right?? You better not have a disease.


Yunho hyung
You don't just spend the night at some persons house and just... sleep

That's all we did!! I'll talk to you guys later I'm busy

Hwa Hyung
Use protection!!

Yunho Hyung
Tell me all the details!!

Yeosang scoffed softly and felt Jongho sit close beside him. Yeosang quickly turned off his phone causing Jongho to raise an eyebrow.

"What was that?" Jongho asked.

"Just my friends" Yeosang said, shaking his head and letting out a small laugh. Jongho hummed and nodded, causally wrapping an arm around Yeosang's wait and turning on the TV. Yeosang would never get used to Jongho's touch. He tended up a little and Jongho looked over at him.

"You okay?" He asked, Yeosang answering with a nod. Yeosang relaxed in the others grip and rested his head on Jongho's shoulder. The both of them watched TV for a while. Jongho looked down after a few episodes to see Yeosang asleep on his shoulder. He let out a small chuckle and let the other sleep, staying in the same position until Yeosang woke up.

(This one was kinda boring I'm sorryyyyyyy! I've been trying to figure out what I'm gonna write and stuff lol!)

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