13. 🫀

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Jongho parked in his usual parking spot and got out. He jogged over to the passengers side of the car and opened the door for Yeosang, bowing a bit with a smile. Yeosang got out and raised an eyebrow.

"And what a gentleman you are~ what's the occasion? Since your acting so proper~" Yeosang said with a laugh. Jongho just shrugged and smirked a little at Yeosang.

"Oh nothing~ just thinking about what we should do tonight~" Jongho said, looking over at Yeosang who's face was as red as a tomato. Yeosang knew exactly what Jongho meant and to be honest.. he was ready. He was ready to loose his virginity, especially if it was going to be with Jongho.

Jongho opened his apartment door for Yeosang and smiled. Yeosang went to go sit on the couch, looking over at Jongho who sat close beside him. Yeosang blushed a little and looked at Jongho's lips. Jongho smirked softly when he caught Yeosang and placed a finger under the others chin, tilting Yeosang's head up a bit and connecting their lips. The kiss became heated quickly, and before Yeosang knew it he was under Jongho on the couch making out with him. He was obsessed with the way Jongho would hold his waist tight every time they pulled away to catch their breaths. Yeosang let out a soft noise when jongho kissed right under his jawline, his noise becoming a bit louder when he felt Jongho sucking on that spot. Jongho's hands ran up and down Yeosang's sides slowly, making the older shiver. Jongho pulled away from the others neck and looked Yeosang in the eyes.

"Could we take this farther? If your oka-" Jongho got cut off by Yeosang pulling him in for another hungry kiss. Jongho smiled a little into the kiss and took that as a yes. He made Yeosang wrap his legs around his waist as lifted Yeosang up, carrying him to his bedroom. Jongho laid Yeosang on his bed gently and pulled away from the kiss. Yeosang looked up at Jongho with swollen lips and red tinted cheeks. Jongho went crazy just seeing Yeosang in this state.

"Your so pretty Yeo.." he whispered, making Yeosang blush even more. Jongho kissed the oldest lips a few times before pulling off Yeosang's sweater, staring at the others upper body. Yeosang bit his lip softly and covered his chest, looking away from Jongho. Jongho frowned and pulled the others hands away from his body, pinning them above his head.

"What did I just say Yeo? Your beautiful.. you look so pretty.." he mumbled as he left small kisses down the others chest. Yeosang shivered a little and smiled, running his hands through Jongho's hair. He could tell Jongho was taking care of him. There was no darkness or lust in Jongho's eyes, just love. Jongho wanted to make love to Yeosang. Jongho slowly took off his own shirt causing Yeosang to stare. Jongho rose an eyebrow with a small smirk.

"You like it? I know I'm not very.. you know.. I don't have abs-" Jongho mumbled, getting cut off by Yeosang.

"Oh stop it. I'm obviously pretty damn obsessed with you." Yeosang said with a small laugh. Jongho smiled and kissed Yeosang over and over as he slipped both of their pants off, leaving the both of them in their underwear. Jongho looked Yeosang up and down and bit his lip softly, Yeosang doing the same with Jongho.

"Your so hot.." they both whispered at the same time. Jongho laughed and Yeosang hid his face in embarrassment. Jongho shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Stop hiding baby.. are you ready?" He asked. Yeosang smiled at the pet name and nodded slowly.

"Yeah... you'll- be gentle right..?" He asked and looked up at Jongho with big eyes. Jongho chuckled softly and nodded.

"Of course.. I wanna take care of you tonight." Jongho said with a small smile. Yeosang returned the smile and watched Jongho slowly pull off both of their boxers. Yeosang widened his eyes and looked up at Jongho. The younger just laughed a little and went the the bathroom to grab lube, coming back as he was rubbing some on his two middle fingers. Yeosang tilted his head in confusion as he watched Jongho.

"It's to stretch you Yeo" Jongho explained. He slowly slid a finger into Yeosang, waiting a few seconds before sliding his second finger in. Yeosang closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, letting out small moans as Jongho moved his fingers in and out of him. He let out a small whine when Jongho spread his fingers apart to stretch Yeosang.

"Doing okay?" Jongho asked as he looked up at Yeosang. The older glanced down at Jongho and nodded.

"You can- go faster.." Yeosang mumbled. Jongho nodded and started moving his fingers faster, spreading them apart more and sometimes curling them inside of Yeosang. The older ran his fingers through Jongho's hair as he let out louder moans, throwing his head back onto the bed when he felt Jongho push his fingers deeper.

"Jong-! Right there-" he said quickly. Jongho bit his lip watching Yeosang's face scrunch up when he hit the same spot over and over with his fingers. Jongho slowly pulled his fingers out and grabbed a tissue to clean them off. Yeosang whined softly at the loss and looked up at Jongho with a pout.

"Don't worry.. you have something better coming anyways~" Jongho hummed, slipping on a condom and spreading more lube around his member. Yeosang watched and bit his lip hard, spreading his legs a little for Jongho. The younger smiled and held onto Yeosang's thighs, slowly pushing into Yeosang, stopping every few seconds to let him adjust. Yeosang choked on a moan when he felt Jongho push his entire length into him. He looked up at Jongho and nodded as a signal for him to start moving. Jongho nodded and left wet kisses down Yeosang's neck and he moved in and out of the other slowly, feeling himself go dizzy every time he heard a breathy moan from Yeosang. Jongho sped up and smiled when Yeosang's noises became louder. Jongho ran his hands up and down Yeosangs sides, watching as he close his eyes tight, letting out a loud moan that filled the entire room when Jongho hit his sweet spot. Jongho hummed and hit the same spot over and over, causing Yeosang to let out long strings of noises.

Yeosang felt a knot at the bottom of his stomach. He let out a soft whine and put his hand at the bottom of his stomach where he felt it. Jongho followed Yeosang's hand and smirked.

"Your close Yeo?" He asked. Yeosang nodded and looked up at Jongho.

"Now.." he said before being cut off by a loud moan, releasing all over his and Jongho's chest. Jongho bit his lip and released as well, pulling out of Yeosang slowly. Yeosang pulled Jongho to lay on top of him.

"I gotta get us cleaned up silly.." Jongho said with a laugh. Yeosang pouted and nodded, letting Jongho go. Jongho went to the bathroom and grabbed a box of tissues, taking off his condom and throwing it away. He cleaned himself off then came out to Yeosang and cleaned him off as well. Yeosang smiled and cling to Jongho.

"That was amazing Jong.. thank you.." he mumbled. Jongho smiled and left a few short kisses on Yeosang's cheek.

"Of course.. and also.." he said as he picked out a hoodie and shorts for Yeosang to wear to sleep. Getting both of them dressed before asking his question.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

(Cliffhanger~~~~ haha next chapter is gonna be short I think.. I honestly might end it next chapter then add some other couples like I was talking about! Thank you so much for everyone who's read this far!! I'm so so thankful ❤️)

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