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Jongho woke up a little later on the morning still holding Yeosang. He looked down and admired the others sleeping face. Yeosang's lips curled down in a small pout and he held some of Jongho's shirt in his fist. Jongho let out a soft chuckle and ran his fingers through the older hair, leaving a small kiss on Yeosang's forehead. That woke him up.

"Sorry.. did I wake you?" Jongho asked in a soft voice. Yeosang looked up at Jongho and smiled a little. Oh my god.. could this man get any cuter?? Jongho asked himself. Yeosang shook his head and looked around, rubbing his eyes.

"Hmm... what time is it..?" Yeosang asked. Jongho looked down at his phone and hummed.

"It's almost 9.. why?" Jongho replied, thinking Yeosang had already called off work since it was late in the morning. Yeosang shot up and gasped, scrambling out of Jongho's bed.

Yeosang grabbed his clothes from the night before and went into the bathroom to change, leaving a confused Jongho in bed. Yeosang changed into his ripped jeans since he still had his hoodie on. He looked at himself in the mirror and groaned, combing through his hair with his fingers until it looked okay. He rinsed his face off quickly and ran out of the bathroom, looking at Jongho.

"Why didn't you wake me up?? I'm like two hours late!!" He whined. Jongho felt bad. Yeosang watched as Jongho's lips turned into a small frown. How could i ever be mad at a face like that? Yeosang cooed in his head.

"Sorry Yeo.. I thought you called off earlier this morning or something since you were still asleep.." The younger mumbled. Yeosang sighed softly and shook his head, checking his phone to see that the principal of the school texted him.

Mr. Kim
Yeosang, I looked after your class until a substitute came in. Hopefully your okay and just slept through your alarm. You have one more strike until you are terminated. You'll have the rest of the day off.

Yeosang let out a small whine and texted his boss back.

I'm so sorry Mr. Kim! I promise I'll be on time from now on! I slept in late by accident I forgot to turn on my alarm.

I'm screwed. Yeosang thought. He sat at the edge of Jongho's bed and let out a small sigh.

"Is everything okay..?" Jongho asked slowly. Yeosang turned to the younger and smiled softly.

"Yeah.. I have the day off since I was late.." Yeosang said. Jongho just nodded slowly and shrugged after a few minutes of silence.

"So... do you wanna do something today? I don't work till later anyways.." Jongho said. Yeosang smiled a little and nodded.

"Sure. What we're you thinking?" Yeosang asked.

"Maybe... what if we just sit around until later so we can go to the movies? And then I can get you dinner after" Jongho said with a small smile. Yeosang laughed and shook his head.

"Sure.. it's a date then~" Yeosang teased. Jongho just smirked softly and nodded.

"That's what I was hoping it was gonna be anyways~" He replied. Yeosang felt his cheeks heat up a little and he looked away from Jongho, seeing a small bookshelf in the corner of the youngers room.

"You like to read? Can I pick a book?" Yeosang asked and looked back at Jongho. He nodded and Yeosang smiled, walking over to the bookshelf and humming as he picked a book. Most of them were books he's read before. He found one of his favorite books and smiled a little wider. Jongho watched as Yeosang stood back up. He patted the space in between his legs and smiled up at Yeosang.

"You know how I need to cuddle something constantly!" Jongho said with a small laugh. Sure, Yeosang cuddled with Jongho all of last night, but he was still a little awkward with it. He slowly sat in between Jongho's legs and pulled his own legs up so he was sitting cross cross. He leaned back onto Jongho's chest and opened the book. Yeosang turned a dark shade of red when he felt Jongho's arms wrap around his waist, holding the older secure.

Yeosang opened up the book and started reading. Once he finished the page he was about to turn it when Jongho held Yeosang's hand still. Yeosang couldn't help but blush for the nth time that day.

"Let me finish.." Jongho mumbled, letting go of Yeosang's hand after a few more seconds when he was done reading the page. Yeosang turned the page and started reading again. The two repeated this process until Yeosang realized he was halfway through the second chapter and Jongho hadn't stopped him. Yeosang turned around to see Jongho leaning his head against the headboard as he slept. Yeosang giggled softly and hesitated a little before leaving a small kiss on Jongho's cheek, turning back around and continuing to read as the younger slept.

( I didn't really know what to do with this chapter so I just let my mind go on autopilot as I wrote lmao. Hope you enjoyed though! <3)

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