15. (Seongjoong)

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Seonghwa was talking to one of the dancers in KQ Entertainment, Wooyoung. Wooyoung was complaining about his huge crush on his teammate San. Seonghwa listened to Wooyoung intently before getting distracted by a man walking past them. He had short blonde hair with gold rimmed circle glasses. He was about the same height as Wooyoung and wore black cargo pants, a black oversized graphic tee and a flannel. Seonghwa was already head over heels for him. The man went straight to the vending machine beside Seonghwa and Wooyoung and bought himself a strawberry yogurt and water. Wooyoung noticed that Seonghwa wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying anymore. He followed Seonghwa's gaze and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Joong hyung? You like never come out of your office." Wooyoung said and earned a slap in the back of his head from the other. Wooyoung laughed loudly and looked up at Seonghwa.

"Hwa have you ever met Hongjoong?" Wooyoung asked. Seonghwa shook his head and looked down with a small blush. Hongjoong looked Seonghwa up and down and smirked softly.

"I'm Hongjoong" He said. He held his hand out for a handshake. Seonghwa nodded and smiled softly once he collected himself, shaking Hongjoong's hand.

"I'm Seonghwa!" He said with a big smile. Hongjoong returned it with a small smile and waved goodbye to the two before going back to his office. Wooyoung looked over at Seonghwa with a raised eyebrow.

"What the hell was that?? Since when were you a shy girl?" Wooyoung teased, already knowing exactly what was going on. Seonghwa rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Shut up. I have to go.. I have an important photoshoot." Seonghwa says, obviously avoiding the entire situation as he walked away.

Once Seonghwa reached his dressing room he smiled a little at his outfit. It was a bit revealing and feminine. He had a black low cut v-neck with long white pants and a sheer white coverup over top along with lots of silver jewelry. His makeup look was a bit dewy but a bit more dramatic in the eyes to make it sexier. He went out to the backdrop and started doing a few poses, following the photographers instructions when he wanted a certain pose. Today was more of a serious photoshoot since the CEO of KQ was going to be overlooking the session to observe Seonghwa's progress as a model since he was a bit newer to the company. Seonghwa heard the door open to the set and looked over to see Hongjoong on the doorway. He widened his eyes and stood up, deciding to take a break when Hongjoong went over to the CEO to show him something on his laptop. The two of them talked for a few minutes and after they were done Hongjoong came over to Seonghwa. Seonghwa smiled nervously and looked down at the man in front of him.

"Could you come to my studio after your photoshoot?" Hongjoong asked out of nowhere. Seonghwa was caught off guard and looked around the set.

"Uh- why? Did I do something?" Hongjoong laughed and shook his head. His smile is adorable... Seonghwa thought, getting rid of it when Hongjoong started speaking again.

"I wanted you to sing for a couple songs I'm working on. You up for it?" Hongjoong asked with a friendly smile. Seonghwa returned the smile and nodded.

"Sure! I'll probably be another hour." Seonghwa said.

"That's fine! Take your time Hwa." Hongjoong said and waved goodbye. Seonghwa waved back and snapped back into reality when his photographer was snapping at him to get back to posing.


Seonghwa was dressed back into his blue jeans and grey hoodie from earlier, making his way to Hongjoong's studio. He hesitated before knocking a few times. He heard shuffling them the door opened up to reveal a smiling Hongjoong.

"Come in! Sorry if it's a bit messy.." Hongjoong said and chuckled softly. Seonghwa smiled and slowly walked in and looked around. It was cute. He could tell Hongjoong spent a lot of time in there. Hongjoong had small figurines and posters in his studio. Seonghwa spotted the empty yogurt cup from earlier and the half full water bottle. He chuckled softly and sat down. 

"So I heard from the CEO that you sing? I was wondering what you sounded like" Hongjoong said and hummed softly, taking off his glasses and setting them on his desk. Seonghwa just stared at the other. How the hell could someone get any hotter?? Seonghwa thought. Hongjoong caught onto seonghwa and let a small smirk creep onto his lips. Hongjoong grabbed the microphone he had on his desk and moved his chair closer to where Seonghwa was sitting, looking the older in the eyes.

"Do you wanna try it out?" He asked. Seonghwa could've fallen on the floor right there if he wasn't sitting down. He slowly took the mic from Hongjoong and the other started the music. Seonghwa read the lyrics off of Hongjoong's phone, holding the others hand still to keep the phone steady. Hongjoong smiled softly and waited for Seonghwa to start singing. When he did Hongjoong's jaw almost dropped to the floor. Seonghwa's voice fit perfectly with the song and the lyrics were a perfect match for his deep and smooth tone. Once Seonghwa was done Hongjoong just looked at the other in awe.

"That was amazing." Hongjoong said, earning a blush from Seonghwa.

"Thank you.. but what's the song called? The lyrics are a little sexy.. but i really like it!"

"The songs called 'Desire.'"

Hongjoong and Seonghwa stared at each other for a moment. Hongjoong happily took the time to examine Seonghwa's features closely, studying the others boba-like eyes, his view drifting down to Seonghwa's full lips. Seonghwa felt his face turn a dark shade of red when he felt Hongjoong's lips against his.

After a heated makeout session the two pulled away from each other, lips swollen and hair messy.  Seonghwa looked away with a shy smile and Hongjoong let out a small laugh.

"Let's record this song hm? And I have a few more that I want you to sing." Hongjoong said. Was that an excuse to makeout with Seonghwa again and again...? Maybe. But both of them loved it. Seonghwa agreed and the two of them spent two more hours in Hongjoong's studio....... singing. *wink*


A few weeks later the two made it official after spending almost every night that they had free together either in Hongjoong's studio or at Seonghwa's apartment. They never really had any time for dates but just enjoyed being together. Seonghwa introduced Hongjoong to Yunho and Yeosang once he knew their relationship was serious. Yeosang and Yunho started calling the couple Mom and Dad since Hwa was already like a mother to them. The relationship quickly got serious. Seonghwa asked Hongjoong to move into his apartment with him, to which Hongjoong quickly agreed. They discussed decorating plans and even started releasing official songs together. At first when they moved in together they were in what many would call the "honeymoon phase", constantly spending time with eachother. But a few weeks later they were like an old married couple, Seonghwa always bickering to Hongjoong about leaving his coffee mugs and music equipment all over, but the two still loved eachother endlessly. Hongjoong already planning to propose to Seonghwa after about 8 months of dating.

(Sorry for disappearing lolll, I've been super busy with school and work but I'll try to update whenever I'm free! <333)

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