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Yeosang POV

Once the school day was over Yeosang waved goodbye to all of his students with a small smile on his face. Once they were all out of the room he sighed softly, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. Soon shooting them back open and grabbing his phone when he realized he forgot to text Jongho back earlier.

I'm so sorry!! I never have free time with these kids haha

That's fine lol! I was out at lunch with my friend earlier anyways.. what are you doing tonight?

Yeosang felt his face heat up when he read the text. Is he already asking me out?? He asked himself. He squealed like a little girl and started trying Jongho back.

Hmm nothing much! Do you wanna meet somewhere or something?

I actually just wanted someone to hang out with you at the bar tonight.. I get off early too! So we can hang out at my place after? :)

Yeosang was a blushing mess at this point. Jongho just asked him out. He couldn't wrap his head around it. He collected himself and quickly texted him back.

I would love to! I'll be there in a bit!


Yeosang was going insane. What should he wear?? Probably something comfy.. he was going to his house after. What we're they going to do at his house?? Who was he kidding, Yeosang was still a virgin.. like he would just sleep with Jongho out of nowhere (foreshadowing ;)).

Once yeosang got home after a long drive of overthinking and freaking out about this whole date thing with Jongho, he took a quick shower to try to calm his thoughts. Although it didn't help much. He styled his hair to his liking and put on some lipgloss.. was that too much..? Yeosang asked himself. It'll be fine.. Jongho probably won't even notice it.

Yeosang picked out some skinny ripped jeans and put on a simple light yellow hoodie. He stared at himself in the mirror for what felt like hours in his head. What if Jongho and I actually do something...? No. I'm not ready for that.. but it feels like I can really trust  him.. but trust him with taking my virginity?? Yeosang got frustrated and pushed away his negative thoughts, he grabbed his wallet and phone, deciding to walk to the bar since Jongho would probably take him home.

Yeosang arrived at the bar and Jongho saw him walk in from behind the counter. He smiled wide and waved, earning a small giggled from Yeosang. Yeosang sat down across from the other as Jongho made him a drink. Yeosang stared at Jongho for a while with a small smile. Now could someone be so pretty?

Jongho POV
Jongho looked up to see Yeosang staring at him and he chuckled lightly.

"Am I that good looking~?" Jongho teased, but it send Yeosang into a blushing fit. Jongho laughed and shook his head, pushing a small fruity drink towards the other.

"Here, try it. It's something I'm trying out" Yeosang too a small sip and hummed.

"Wow it's really good! But dangerous.. I can barely taste the alcohol" he said and laughed softly. Jongho took the time to admire Yeosang, watching how Yeosang's eyes almost closed when he laughed. And the way he tilted his head back a little as he laughed. Jongho then noticed the others lips were a bit shiny. Is he wearing lipgloss?? He's so cute.. Jongho thought to himself. He smiled softly and hummed.

"I'm glad you like it! I've been trying to perfect it for a while.. anything I should change?" Jongho asked, Yeosang shook his head quickly.

"Nope! It's perfect like this!" He said as he took a few more sips, looking around the bar as he did. Jongho and Yeosang talked whenever Jongho could. Usually it only lasted a few seconds before someone else came up to the bar and ordered a drink, striking a conversation with the cute bartender. Jongho ignored their requests for his number and told them to be safe and sent them on their way. This lasted for about two hours before Jongho checked the time and sighed in relief.

"Time to get out of here! Ready?" He asked Yeosang. The older nodded with a small smile on his face. He and Jongho walked out of the bar and to the youngers car, Jongho driving and Yeosang in the passengers seat.

Yeosang POV
Yeosang had to admit, Jongho looked pretty hot when he drove. The way his hands gripped the steering wheel but not with too much force. And how he was slightly leaning back. But he shook those thoughts away and watched out the window as the other drove. Jongho would hum some of the songs he knew on the radio. A comfortable silence. Yeosang liked it. He felt like he and Jongho had been friends for a long time and were just going to hang out. But friends don't usually hang out together and wonder when they're going to finally kiss eachother... ;)

(Yayyyy fourth chapter done! This one took a lot longer than the other ones loll. I was just trying to get as many details in here as I could! Chap 5 coming out tonight!) ❤️❤️

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