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Yeosang's mouth hung open in disbelief. He slowly started to smile wide.

"Are you being serious??" Yeosang asked eagerly. Jongho laughed and nodded.

"Obviously Yeo! I really like you.." Jongho said with a shy smile. Yeosang smiled even more and nodded quickly.

"Yes.. I'll be your boyfriend!" He said happily. Jongho smiled wide, leaving small kisses all over Yeosang's face, causing Yeosang to let out small giggles. Jongho got on the bed and laid down, opening up his arms for Yeosang. The older smiled and crawled into Jonghos arms, laying his head on the others chest. Jongho let out a soft sigh as he played with Yeosang's hair, not even realizing that the other had fallen asleep.

Jongho looked down at Yeosang after a while and giggled softly, kissing the orders forehead before closing his eyes and falling asleep too.


Yeosang woke up the next morning and looked up at Jongho. Holy shit.. he's my boyfriend. Yeosang thought to himself, thinking about last night, then blushing madly after he thought about last nights activity. He kissed Jongho's cheek once and just stared at the other until he woke up.

Jongho woke up after a few more minutes and smiled down at Yeosang.

"Sleep okay Yeo?" He asked. Yeosang smiled and nodded. Yeosang started to sit up when he felt a pain shoot up his lower back.

"Shit.. my back hurts.." Yeosang mumbled with a pout. Jongho laughed softly and rubbed his back gently.

"Yeah.. that's what happens when you.. have sex" Jongho said with a small shrug. Yeosang blushed and his his face in Jongho's chest.

"Am I gonna be able to walk??" Yeosang asked. Jongho hummed softly and shook his head.

"I don't want you moving much today. I said I'll take care of you so let me. Do you wanna invite your friends over or something?" Jongho asked. Yeosang shook his head and laid back down, laying close to Jongho.

"Not right now.. let's just lay here." Yeosang said. Jongho smiled and nodded, scooting closer to Yeosang and wrapping his arms around the oldest waist. Yeosang let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep again. Jongho smiled softly and turned on the TV in his room while Yeosang slept.

About an hour later Yeosang woke up again and yawned.

"Can we eat..?" Yeosang asked, looking up at Jongho. The younger smiled and nodded quickly.

"Of course Yeo.. what do you want?" Yeosang hummed and thought for a second.

"Just eggs and toast?" Jongho nodded and smiled in response. He gave Yeosang the remote and got up to go to the kitchen. Once Jongho left the room Yeosang pulled out his phone and checked his messages.

The three musketeers
Yunho Hyung

Hwa Hyung
Oh my god. Your with Jongho~ 😏

You better answer us and invite us over so we can meet this guy.

Oh my god shut up both of you! Yes I spent the night at Jongho's again......

Holy shit.

Yeosang just sighed and covered his face in embarrassment. He shook his head and picked his phone back up to text back.

..... Maybe.
Here's Jong's address
Xxx xxxx xxx

Yeosang put his phone down when he heard Jongho come into the room with food. Yeosang smiled wide and sat up, letting Jongho put the tray over his lap.

"Thank you Jong.. come here.." Yeosang said. Jongho sat beside Yeosang and the older kissed Jongho a few times. Yeosang smiled and turned to his food, eating a few bites as he watched TV. He looked over at Jongho and hummed.

"Why aren't you eating? I won't eat all of this.. you want the rest?" Yeosang asked. Jongho smiled softly and shrugged.

"Sure Yeo.. Are your friends coming over at all today?" Yeosang nodded as an answer and Jongho smiled, finishing up anything Yeosang didn't eat.

"Okay.. you want me to help you to the living room for when they show up?" Jongho asked. Yeosang sighed and nodded.

"Please do.." He said and held his arms out to Jongho. The younger picked Yeosang up bridal style and carried him out to the living room. As soon as Yeosang was sat down he heard bangs coming from the door. He rolled his eyes and looked up at Jongho.

"That's them" He muttered. Jongho nodded and opened up the door, immediately getting bombarded with questions from Yeosang's friends. Yeosang let out a small laugh when Jongho just stood there taken aback. Yeosang clapped his hands together which shut the two of them up.

"Come sit down guys.. don't overwhelm him.." Jongho sat close to Yeosang and placed a hand on the others knee. Yeosang turned a dark shade of red and slapped Jongho's hand away playfully. Seonghwa and Yunho smirked at each other and sat down across from the couple.

"So.. you two-" Yunho got cut off by Seonghwa who was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest like a stern mother.

"Are you two dating? Did you two have sex?? Did you use protection?!" He asked, making direct eye contact with Jongho as he asked. Yeosang sighed and covered his face. Jongho turned a bright shade of red and looked down at his legs.

"Yes.. we're dating and- yeah we had.. sex. But of course I used protection! I promise I won't hurt Yeo!!" Jongho said and looked up at Seonghwa and Yunho. Yunho let out a laugh and shook his head.

"Look at the little guy! Hwa hyung you made his petrified!" He said as he slapped his knee from laughing so hard. Yeosang let out a small laugh and glanced over at Jongho.

"It's okay Jong.. he's always like this." Yeosang said and rubbed the youngers back. Yeosang got a little more comfortable showing affection to Jongho in front of his friends. Jongho smiled softly and nodded.

The four of them talked for a while, Seonghwa talking about a man he met at his agency by the name of Hongjoong. And Yunho brought up someone named Mingi. Yeosang and Jongho just cuddled on the couch and listened to the older ones, not being much of talkers themselves.

Eventually Seonghwa and Yunho left and Yeosang and Jongho went to bed since it was almost 12 AM.

(This was a long chapter lollll. This was pretty much the ending but keep an eye out for the other couples coming up!! Thank you so so much for all the support so far and everything! I'm really happy I started this story even if I lost some of my interest near the end!)

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