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Jongho POV
Jongho couldn't stop thinking about Yeosang. He just wanted to text or talk to the other. A few hours went by and Jongho was laying on the couch bored out of his mind when he heard his phone buzz. His head shot up expecting it to be Yeosang but it was just his friend Mingi. Jongho let out a groan and read his text

What are you doing? Do you wanna grab lunch with me?

Sure, I'm bored anyways

I'll come pick you up

Jongho sighed and plopped his head back down on the pillow and stared at his phone for a few minutes. Should I text him? Is he busy? Jongho asked himself. Finally he said screw it and texted Yeosang.

So... what do you do for work?

After a few minutes of waiting he got a text back.

I'm an elementary teacher! Sorry if i text back late that's why :)

Jonghos mouth formed an "o" and he felt his face heat up a bit. He felt bad for interrupting Yeosang and his work.

Oh I'm sorry! Text me when your done so I'm not bothering you!

Jongho smiled softly since he at least knew that Yeosang saw his text. He heard a loud knock on his door and rolled his eyes. Mingi. He rolled off the couch and dragged himself to the door, swinging it open to see his friend with his fist in the air ready to pound at the door again.

"You look like a bozo like that." Jongho said and laughed a little, earning a slap on the arm from Mingi.

"OW WHAT THE HELL" Jongho whined loudly and Mingi just rolled his eyes.

"Dude your literally like a giant teddy bear I think you can handle it." Mingi said back. Jongho scoffed and grabbed his wallet, Mingi quickly stopping him.

"Nope. I'm the one who asked. I'm paying" Jongho rolled his eyes and sighed, following Mingi to his car. He got in the passengers side and watched out the window as Mingi drove.

"Why do you look so miserable?" Mingi asked and laughed a bit, getting a pinch on his arm in return.

"I met someone last night. I served him and his friends." Jongho explained. Mingi just sat there confused.

"Andddd what does that have to do with your mood right now?" He asked.

"I don't know.. I saw him again at the cafe this morning and I gave him my number. He's an elementary teacher. He has this birthmark- I'm guessing it's a birthmark- on the side of his face. He looks like he was carved by Aphrodite herself." Jongho rambled on and on about Yeosang's looks and whatever he knew about the other so far. Mingi just laughed and shook his head.

"I think your seriously down bad for this dude.." Mingi replied. Jongho felt his face heat up and he shook his head.

"Nope.. that can't be possible. I've only talked to him in person twice and we texted like.. twice too." Jongho said. Mingi just shook his head.

"Your a dumbass" Mingi teased. Jongho snapped his head over to look at the older and scoffed.

"And how would that make me a dumbass??" He asked.

"Because you literally just told me how this Yeosang dude was supposedly carved out by Aphrodite herself. If that doesn't sound like your head over heels to you then I don't know what does." Mingi said, glancing over at the younger. Jongho just sighed and looked out the window again.

"I don't know.." He mumbled. And at that Mingi left the subject alone. Once the both of them got to the restaurant they just talked about everything else. But Jongho would catch himself thinking about Yeosang in between conversations.

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