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Jongho parked in the small parking garage he had at his apartment complex, getting out first and running to the other side of the car to let Yeosang out. Yeosang giggled softly and got out.

"Well well~ what a gentleman~" Yeosang teased, making Jongho blush a little. He led Yeosang up to his apartment and put in his code, slowly opening the door.

"Don't judge it might be a bit messy.." Jongho said before he opened the door fully.

"Oh stop it I'm sure it's fine!" Yeosang said and laughed softly, pushing the door open the rest of the way and walking in, taking off his shoes and walking around Jongho's living room and kitchen.

"It's cozy! I like it" Yeosang said. Jongho laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"You wanna watch a movie or something? Go sit on the couch and I'll make some popcorn" Yeosang nodded and went over to the couch, sitting near the arm of the couch that was farthest away from Jongho.

Jongho brought out a bowl of popcorn to the living room and sat down, giggling at the distance between the two of them.

"Relax Yeo I'm not gonna bite.." Jongho said and chuckled softly. Yeosang blushed madly at the nickname, slowly scooting closer to Jongho until their hips were almost touching. Jongho smiled and wrapped an arm around Yeosang's shoulders, feeling the other tense up from under him.

"Is this okay..?" Jongho asked. Yeosang smiled softly and nodded, trying not to melt in the others touch.

"Yeah.. just gotta get used to it" Yeosang mumbled, relaxing under Jongho's touch and leaning into the others side. It was Jongho's turn to blush. He played it off by grabbing the remote and turning on the TV as Yeosang at a few pieces of popcorn. Jongho settled on a random romance movie and turned it on. Leaning back on the couch a little still holding Yeosang by his side.

Yeosang was a mess. The movie was already almost over- but he never actually focused on it, only being able to think about him and Jongho cuddling on the couch. How he could smell Jongho's soft cologne, that almost drove him insane. He turned his head to look at Jongho, examining his features as if he already hasn't literally every time they've been together so far. Jongho felt a pair of eyes on him and looked over to see Yeosang's face inches away from his. He smiled softly and subconsciously looked down at the others lips. Yeosang blushed and looked back at the TV. Jongho hummed and held Yeosang's chin with his pointer finger and thumb, turning the olders head to look at him. If they were standing Yeosang's knees would have definitely given out by now.

He's only kissed, and made out, with a few people in his life. And Jongho has to be the most attractive person that he's wanted to kiss in his life. Yeosang was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even feel Jongho's breath on his lips. He was snapped back into reality to see that Jongho already had his eyes closed and was ready to kiss Yeosang. Yeosang turned a dark shade of red and leaned in slowly to close the gap in between them.

(AHHHB I was melting as I was writing this!! It was sooo cuteeeee)

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