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Kara dropped onto the bed with a sigh

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Kara dropped onto the bed with a sigh. She really was almost starting to miss being on duty. At least when she was her friends didn't all tell her to get lost.

She knew they weren't doing it to be mean—they just wanted her to take a proper break—but it still felt like they didn't want her around.

The brunette rolled onto her back irritatedly. There was nothing for her to do in a motel room. She couldn't even bother Steve.

He'd been the one to actually tell her to get lost. She rolled her eyes as she remembered his wording. There really was no reason for him to have apologized twice.

Kara sat up as footsteps approached her door, the lock clicking open, before she stood up.


"You know, this whole forced break thing, really isn't doing anything for me," she called back in irritation.

Steve kicked his boots off smoothly and laid back against the bed opposite her. "Well, try not to get shot next time."

"I was fine! That bullet barely grazed me!"

"It went through your shoulder!"

"It didn't hit anything important!"

He shot her a stern look. "Kara. You were lucky it didn't knick your lungs. You may heal fast but that doesn't change how much danger you were in."

"You know, technically, you can't give me orders," Kara shot back, leaning up on her elbows. "Beyond that, I wasn't hurt that badly. Just because it made you worried doesn't mean you get to bench me."

"Kara..." he trailed off.


"Come here."

She made a noise but made her way around the bed. Steve caught her waist loosely and her arms draped over his shoulders. "I know you're bored." He pulled her into his lap so he could see her face easier. "But you were put on medical leave because you're part of a team now and your health affects everyone on it. If it had hit your lung and you went on a mission after, it could have collapsed it."

"I know why you did it but two weeks was a little much. I mean it didn't even scar."

"Two weeks is well below standard," he answered with a raised brow.

"Fine, whatever," she waved a hand flippantly, moving to straddle his hips. "It's been over a week and it's no longer there. Will you touch me now?"

Fight Like Her • Captain America: First AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now