Chapter Eight-Edited

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"Great," Philips angry voice echoed faintly off the paneling

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"Great," Philips angry voice echoed faintly off the paneling. "Why don't we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation, in your car."

Peggy and Kara shared a glance both focusing more on the submarine than the blond following after them. Steve stumbled through the massive amounts of people in the pathways, apologizing to anything and everything he ran into.

Stark popped his head out of the sub and shot a wide grin Kara's way. She sent him a slight wave and a laugh. The man made a finger gun and pressed it to his temple and pulled the metaphorical trigger. She covered up a laugh with her hand, shaking her head at him.

"Speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works. We're not even close to this technology," he shouted from the sub, the heavy New York twinge in his voice filtering through the chatter.

Peggy pushed her way through the crowd to the front to get a good look at the machine and probably to talk to Philips about where she would be reassigned.

It was then that Kara realized Steve was on the other side of the walkway, starring at the crowd like it was murder. He was clutching at an inhaler like it was a life line.

"Hey, blondie!" She called pushing through the people to get to him. She caught his wrist tightly, wincing at the heavier accent on her vowels. "We have a meeting that we need to be at so I need you here!"

It wasn't often she heard her own accent after so many years in the states. She supposed it never went away.

Steve stared down at her curiously. "I've never heard you talk with an accent before," he smiled crookedly.

Kara snickered looking up at him to see the look on his face. Grabbing onto his forearm, she guided the both of them through the crowd to find Philips. Steve drug his feet not realizing he wasn't the only one with super-strength.

"It's not exactly an accent people want to hear around here much. Somehow it still clings," she commented airily. The crinkle to her nose showed back up the longer she heard her own voice.

The blond frowned suddenly thinking about the way people had been treating immigrants of certain countries since Pearl Harbor. Kara sighed, guiding him to the group meeting with Philips.

"...the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions," Peggy chorused like a recording from beside Senator Brandt and Colonel Philips. She'd shed her dark brown jacket in favor of the white long-sleeved blouse she had on underneath.

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