Chapter Ten-Edited

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Steve held the shield aloft awkwardly waiting for a reaction from the crowd

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Steve held the shield aloft awkwardly waiting for a reaction from the crowd. The soldiers stayed silent, their eyes remaining on him as he embarrassed himself further. Kara winced as the soldiers shouted a him.

She shook her head, tying her hair up, and dove back into paperwork. She had about three more files to finish before she could do anything else.

Phillips sent her certain things for review when it involved certain infantries. Most of it was going back over his corrections and adding her own notes. He was still trying to restart the program months after Erskine died. She had been so involved with the fist attempt that he thought it was only right that he included her.

Chills ran up and down her arms, brisk wind tearing through the tents set up around base. There was bound to be a rain shower later that day. Kara hugged her bomber jacket closer, wishing she'd brought along another sweater. She had not missed the weather of Northern Europe.

"Damn, I really should have grabbed a sweatshirt," she muttered into the end of her pen. Kara glanced upwards for a moment, noting the sound of Steve's footsteps. She'd memorized how he walked shortly into his tour. Warmth encased her shoulders and a hand landed beside her folder as she went back to her work.

"There should be a comma there," Steve murmured, tucking his jacket tighter around her collar bones. Kara leaned back, tilting her head back with a raised brow. "And there should be a—"

"A Steve walking in the other direction before he gets punched?" She asked teasingly, a smile playing at her lips. Steve chuckled, putting his hand up in surrender. "It's just notes. I'm sure they won't care about a few grammar mistakes."

"Understood," he laughed but still pointed out another flaw in her writing. "There should also be an 'E' there."

"Steve!" She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. He bit into the side of his cheek—it wasn't often he got that tone—and brushed her bangs back before walking away.

Kara turned in her seat to watch him disappear around the corner incredulously. Propping her head up in her hand, she glanced back down at her work.

He'd taken her pen.

"Damnit, Steven," she chuckled, snapping her file closed and tucking it into her jacket. Apparently, he wanted her attention for something.

She couldn't imagine what, he didn't particularly like her advice on most things. Given, most of it was how she would handle it and she was quite a bit more forward than he was.

Kara pushed open the flap of his tent with her hand out. "Pen," she stated. Steve looked up at her from lacing up his boots. "Pen first. Then I'll do whatever you want if it'll let me get my work done."

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