Chapter Fourteen-Edited

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She hated that she'd let herself get attached.


All it did was cause problems. She didn't even want to look at Steve again. How was she going to work with him?


This wasn't the plan. She was only supposed to train him not fall in love with him!

Smack! KA-CHINK!

The leather punching bag split open, raining sand down on her now sweaty form, and slid across the floor. Kara cursed repeatedly under her breath, creatively delving into French and then Gaelic and then finally Russian.

She swiped the back of her hand across her cheek, wiping sand off the small cut on her cheekbone. She'd literally run into Bucky on her way to the gym, slicing open her cheek on the badge attached to his uniform.

Kara knuckles were bloody and she could feel the boxing tape wrapped around them starting to heal into her skin. Cracking her neck, she unwrapped her hands and grabbed the roll of tape from her messenger bag. She flexed her fist to pop the joints back into place and re-wrapped them.

There were other bags in the corner waiting to be hung up and split open like their brothers before them. She just didn't have the motivation to hang one back up.

Her chest hurt the more she thought about how stupid she'd been. It made her want to curl into a ball and never come out of her room again.

Kara leaned back against the bench her bag sat on, resting her head against the metal.

"What did that bag ever do to you?"

Her eyes snapped over to the double doors. Bucky leaned against the frame, dressed down to a white t-shirt and cargo pants. Kara rolled her eyes at him before gesturing for him to come over.

"Just a bad day or did Steve do something?" He asked jokingly. His blue eyes were definitely brighter than they were when they'd first pulled him off the table and he looked healed up some.

"Well, little bit of both I suppose," she said, pulling her arm over her chest. "What are you doing here? You're all on leave."

"So? It's just free time in camp for me," he said watching her stretch. Kara looked up at him from the floor and frowned. "I don't know London enough to go exploring on my own and my best friend is either busy with all the big guys in command or training with you.

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