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A tall boy with purple hair starting walking towards me. He kept smiling the closer he got.
He looked fimilar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Y/n? Who's that?" My best friend Kayla asked as she stood with her boyfriend.
"I don't know." I said turning around to face the two.
"Well let's go because he's following you." Kayla said.
I began to walk away just as I felt two rough hands wrap around me and turn me around.

"Miss me, love?" The boy asked.
I balled up my fists ready to punch somone as I looked up I saw blue and green eyes with messy purple hair looking down on me. A familiar face.
"Awsten?" I said smilling.
I wrapped my arms around and pulled myself closer to him.
I reached my hands up to his hair and ruffled it.
He looked at me annoyed while I started laughing.

I pulled away.
"Don't let go. I miss you." He said trying to pull me closer.
"Not in school." I said moving his hands off of me.
"What the fuck?" Kayla said standing with a teacher.
I saw Awsten jump. As he let go off me.
"Oh yes, I've seen you guys met our newest student. Mr knight." The teacher said.
"Yes I have." I said looking at him while smiling.
"I expect you guys to treat him with respect." The teacher said.
"Oh I will."


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