Hey there y/n

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Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City?

❥ Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City? ❥

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Waterparks was going on their longest tour yet. 8 months. Awsten and I were dreading it every second. But I understand it's his job.

Awsten hugged me as tight as he possibly could.
"I'll miss you." I said as I rested my head in his neck.
"I'll miss you too." He said with sadness in his voice.
"Flight 77 boarding now." Was blared through the speakers.
I let go and placed my hands on his face.
He looked at me with sadness.
I kissed him one last time.
I looked at him as I saw tears in his eyes.
"Look at me being a little bitch for you." He said laughing.

I smiled and smacked his shoulder.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too." He smiled as he walked away with Otto, Geoff and Jawn.
I watched him leave then headed out.

I got in the car a shuffled a playlist he made me.
It's a complication of every love song he's written for me and songs that remind him of me.

The first song to shuffle was "hey there Delilah" by the plain white Ts.
That was our song.
Every word was our relationship.

I sang along to every word as the wind blew through my long hair.
The wind and lyrics being the only thing passing through my mind.

I laid in bed.
The bed hasn't felt this lonely or empty in months.
I tossed and turned as my phone started ringing.
I quickly picked it up squinting as the bright light hurt my eyes.
I didn't see who was calling.
I answered the call.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hey lovely." A tried voice said.
"Hi babe. How was the flight?" I said smiling.
"It was fine the jet lag sucked though. I miss you already."
"I miss you too. It's weird not having you here."
"What are you doing up? Don't you have a college class tomorrow morning?"
"I do but I'd rather talk to you."
"Nope. Go to sleep, idc what time it is. We can call later."

I laughed quietly.
"Fine, fine. I love you."
"I love you too lovely rose."
I hung up and sat the phone back on my nightstand.
I love that nickname.
Lovely rose.
He says he calls me that because I remind him
Of a rose, he said no matter how many thorns I have I'll always be the only one he loves. The thorns representing my bad days or habits. The rose being a symbol of love.

It's been a few months of tour.
I miss him.
It's getting harder.
I can't even see him preform live because he's no where near me.
The only way I get to see him and band preform is through fan recordings.
My phone went off and I read a text from Awsten.


Live streaming todays
concert on the waterparks
That is a threat.

I will
don't have to threaten me lol
Seen just now

Starts in 6 min

Got it

I watched the waterparks Instagram impatiently waiting for them to go live..
After what felt like forever they went live.

"Is someone recording?" Awsten said in the mic. A few people in the crowd yelled something.
"Good. Okay so I know you all are waiting for fuck about it, but tonight I'd like to play something special for someone special." The crowd cheered.
He put a finger to his mouth telling the crowd to shush.
I laughed as he picked up his microphone.
Geoff and Otto started playing something I couldn't make out just yet.
Then the beat picked up and he started playing our song.
"You may know this song so listen close." He winked.
He started singing the main chorus.
The first few lines he sang hey there Delilah.
But then.

My heart stopped as he sang my name.
I felt my face start to heat up as a smile spread across my face. The crowd started to freak out.
I saw a few people turn their phone flash lights on and sway them back and fourth to the music.

Hey there, Y/n
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Hey there, y/n
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

He sang each verse using my name.
I couldn't help but get butterflies every time he said it.

The song ended and he looked at the camera.
"Y/n I hope you're watching. I love you." He said just as the live stream ended.
I quickly texted him all the words I wanted to say.
I texted him this: "I'm so glad we get to be eachothers lucky person."


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