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"I think your the worst of them all"

Awsten and I have been dating for years

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Awsten and I have been dating for years.
Since 2019 to be exact.
When we met it was like love at first sight.
My friend and I went to a waterparks concert since they were touring in my state.
As cliché as this sounds, he stopped right before we were leaving.
We got photos with the boys and Awsten stopped from leaving.
We've been dating ever since.
Awsten is a sweetheart. Sure he says some out of pocket things... like his Twitter. But he's a sweet heart.
Things are going great. Or at least I thought they were.

I woke up to an empty bed.
Usually Awsten is tangled up holding me.
The bed was cold. Something didn't feel quite right.
I quickly sat up and remade the bed.
"Awsten?" I said as I walked out of our bed room.
I walked into the living room just find everything empty. Not the even the Tv was on.
I walked into the kitchen and saw a glass of half drank orange juice.
"Awsten?" I shouted.
I got no response.

"Where is he." I mumbled to myself walking out of the kitchen.
I walked over to the window and pulled back the blue satin curtains,
I wanted to see if his car was in the driveway.
It wasn't.

I picked up my phone and quickly called him.
The phone rang twice then he declined it.
Wtf Awsten?
He never does this.
Maybe he's just busy.

I opened our messages and quickly texted him.


I Just wanted to make sure everything is okay and you're safe, I love you❤️
Sent just now

Awsten opened my message and left me on seen.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach after he left me on read.
I texted Geoff and Otto next.


Have you heard from Awsten? Something is up bc he's ignoring me.
Sent just now


do you know what's up with Awsten? He's pushing me away and I'm worried.
Sent just now

Otto got back to me and said "no sorry. I hope you figure things out y/n."
I sat down on the couch and stared at the celling.
What is going on with him?
He's never like this.
I sighed just as I saw the door open.
A figured with bright red hair walked through the door.
"Awsten?" I asked turning to face the door.
He shut the door and looked at me.
"We need to talk." He said with sad eyes.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach as those words fell out of his mouth.

"Sure.. what's going on?" Was all I could force out.
"Look, I just feel like the spark isn't here anymore." Awsten said sitting down next to me.
What does he mean? Did he lose feelings?
"Awsten I'm sorry if I did something wrong." I stated.
"It's nothing you did. I just don't feel as happy with you anymore. The spark is gone." He said standing up.

"I think you should go." I said not making eye contact with him.
"I'll come get my things tomorrow." He said walking out of the apartment.
I felt tears coming and I lost it.
I walked back to our.. my bed. I laid under the blankets and just cried.
He waited 5 years with me just to call it off?
None of this makes sense.
But all I know is that
I think he's the worst of them all.

 But all I know is that I think he's the worst of them all

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