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I've been waking up to someone else in bed, same face as you but her eyes are dead

☼ ☼ I've been waking up to someone else in bed, same face as you but her eyes are dead ☼ ☼

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Awsten tossed and turned in his empty bed. He couldn't help but wish she was here.
She knew how to help him sleep. Usually she'd playing his hair and hum a simple song.
He'd easily fall asleep in her arms.
It was almost as if she knew him better than he knew himself.
She had his heart and she'd always have it.

But now he laid in bed with someone else.
Someone who resembles y/n
They have the same eye color, hair color, gentle smile that would make any man weak in his knees.
But she's not who he wished she was.

Geoff keeps telling him it's wrong to stay with Alicia.
But she's supposed to help him heal the whole in his heart.
He's kissed a few others but they all taste wrong.

"Can't sleep?" The girl with h/c asked sitting at the end of his bed.
"Nope just lost in my thoughts again." Awsten muttered quietly.
The girl came and laid by him.
The two just stared at the ceiling in the silence.
Alicia knew deep down her heart didn't belong to Awsten. Almost anyone could see it. She just didn't want to believe it.
She ran her fingers through his hair.
But it wasn't the same

He missed her touch and her scent.
He missed her. She was his whole world. The one thing he lived for. She was supposed to be his last heaven. But he just had to self sabotage and fuck shit up like he always does.
He blows up at her once when she doesn't deserve and says hateful shit. Then she's gone.
He can't blame her. He would have left too.
Every part of him wishes he stopped her from

His heart ached for her every day.
Awsten eventually fell asleep.

The next morning he found himself scrolling through her instagram. She still followed him, from the looks of it she wasn't dating anyone else.
Without thinking he hit the message button on her profile.
"I've been waking up to someone else in bed. Same face as you but her eyes look dead."
That's what he typed out. He didn't send it of course. But he wanted too.

Alicia saw him scrolling through the posts.
She was gorgeous no doubt.
She was everything she wasn't.

"Do you wanna go shopping?" Alicia asked awsten as he quickly shut his phone off in a hurry.

The two walked around the mall for a few hours.
Alicia needed new perfume. Fans stopped awsten for pictures, the basic things that usually happened.

They walked into a small CD store.
That's when awsten stopped dead in his tracks.
Y/n was standing there flipping through CDs.
Alicia saw the way his eyes stared at her.
His face lit up in a way in never did when he looked at her.
"Go get her" Alicia spoke not looking at Awsten.
"I'm sorry Alicia. You deserve better." Awsten replied before running and righting scooping y/n up in a hug.
Alicia watched the girl looked at him with suprise but wrapped her arms around him tightly.
They two looked like they needed each other and it showed in that very moment.
Awsten was never gonna let her go again.

Awsten was never gonna let her go again

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