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"I hate your best friend."

✦ All time low and waterparks high school AU ✦

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All time low and waterparks high school AU

Y/ns pov

I sat next to awsten and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Y/n?" He asked me.
"I know I already asked you to prom, but uh. I don't wanna make things awkward in case you don't feel the same."
"Just ask me aws." I told the boy who was nervously messed with rings on his fingers.
"Would you want to be my girlfriend?" He pushed out.
"Of course Aws."

He looked at me with a look of pure shock.
I kissed his lips.
He grinned like a toddler.
He grabbed my chin and kissed me back.

☽ ✦✦✦ ☾

"Awsten finally asked me to be his girlfriend." I said lying on my bed upside down.
My best friend, Alex Gaskarth sat in my chair and crossed his arms.
"Took him long enough. I thought lover boy was just gonna make eyes at you all year." Alex replied a certain tone in his voice I couldn't quite make out.

"If he hurts you I will make sure to hurt him back." Alex told me not breaking his eye contact.
I just giggled.
"He won't hurt me Alex. I'll be fine."
"I'm saying." Alex shrugged.
"Is Jack just not coming to band practice tonight?" I asked.

Alex, jack, rian and Zack all had band practice in my parents basement. My mom adores Alex so she has no problem with it.
"No he is. They are all just slow." Alex complained.
He grabbed his spare guitar from the corner of my room he kept here.
He played a melody.

"What are you playing?"
"Something I just thought of I call it shameless." He replied moving his fingers up and down the strings and sang a verse.

I hummed along.
He moved his guitar.
"What do you think?" He asked.
"I think it sounds amazing." I smiled.

☽ ✦✦✦ ☾

I shut Alex's car door and got out.
Jack and Alex following me shortly behind.
"Welcome back to hell." Jack joked as we walked into our hell hole we called high school.
I just laughed.
I held the door open for Alex.
Alex continued to shut the the door on jacks face.

"Bitch." Jack said annoyed.
Alex just flipped him off.

"It's too early for this." I mumbled.
The boys followed me to my locker.

My boyfriend was already at my locker waiting for me.
His red hair was stuck up all over the place.
"Good morning Aws." I smiled. He kissed my forehead.
"Boo get a room." Alex complained.

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