Want u back

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"I'm always gonna want you back."

✩ ★ Awstens POV ★ ✩

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Awstens POV

I took her hoodie off of the hanger in my closet.
Today's finally the day I'll get rid of it.
At least that's what I told myself.
I held the fabric in my hands. It was black and had bleach stains from hair dye. There was pink hair dye stains as well. The 5 seconds of summer logo was badly faded. You couldn't see Luke or any of the band members faces.

I walked it back over to the trash can and opened it.I put the hoodie over it but couldn't bring myself to throw it away. It was the last thing I had of her. The last thing that was hers.
I held it in my hands before I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

Jet hopped in lap.
"Hi baby." I mumbled petting the black cat.
She stood back up and cuddled y/ns hoodie.
I felt my heart sink.
"I miss her too." I mumbled.
Jet attached to y/n pretty fast.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Make yourself at home." I smiled at the girl in front of me.
Her pink hair was faded but she was still beautiful. She kissed my cheek.
"Did I leave my hoodie here from last night?" She asked.
"Yea you did. It's still on my bed."
She nodded.

Jet ran up to y/n
"Oh hi baby!" Y/n said excitedly crouching down and petting jet. Jet rubbed against her hand.
"Aww aren't you just the cutest." She smiled widely.
"This is jet." I told the girl.
She picked jet up.
Jet just laid in her arms purring
"I think she likes you." I said laughing.

"I think she likes me more than she likes you." Y/n said giggling.
"Impossible." I replied.
She just laughed even harder.

I texted Geoff "I'm going to get her back." Before standing up and grabbing my keys.
I opened my car door and buckled in.
I checked to make sure I still had her address saved in my GPS.

Geoff texted back "good luck man. I hope it goes well."
Me too.

I turned down the road multiple times.
It felt like I was driving for forever.
I pulled into her driveway.
The familiar memories hitting me at once.
Her blinds were shut.
I got out of my car and locked it.

I walked up the steps and knocked on her door.
My heart was beating extremely fast.
I waited impatiently for her to answer the door.

The door creaked open slightly then fully.
Her head popped out then she opened the door fully. My heart stopped for a second.

She was wearing one of my hoodies.
The pink in her hair was completely gone. It was just her natural hair color.
Her eyes looked tired and dull.
"Awsten?" She said in quiet tone.

Y/ns pov ★ ★

I got out of bed and walked to the door. I rubbed my eyes before opening the door fully.
" Awsten?" Was all i could get out.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.
He buried his head in my neck.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry y/n." He said holding me tighter.
I hesitated at first but then wrapped my arms around him.
"It's okay." I said softly.

" I said softly

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