Girls night

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"Get your coke off my bus, yeah keep that shit to yourself."

☘︎ Y/ns Pov ☘︎

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☘︎ Y/ns Pov ☘︎

I sighed annoyed. My boyfriend inhaled in his third joint of the day. He's getting worse and worse.

"You've stop smoking weed Alex." I said looking at the boy who was clearly out of it. He hasn't shaved in while. His hair started to get just as bad. He was still in his clothes from the past few days.
His eyes were bright red and dilated. He's no longer the same boy I once fell in love with.
"Why? It doesn't do any harm." He replied blowing out smoke.

"I made it clear when we first started dating that I'm not associating with drugs or alcohol and you've blatantly ignored that." I argued back.
"Then go." He replied, very high.
I sighed.
"Yeah I do that, then you call me in the morning sober and crying, asking me to come back." I replied crossing my arms.
He blew out the last bit of his joint before lighting another one, setting my anger off like a time bomb.
"I'm fucking leaving. I can not support this shit anymore." I said walking back to our room and starting to throw my shit in bags.

He didn't even stop me.
He was too busy being worried about his stupid weed intake.
I grabbed my bags and wrapped it around me grabbing my keys in the process.
I got out to my car and shoved my bags in the trunk.
I called my best friend.
"Hey Bella. Do you have an empty bed I can stay at for tonight?" I asked

"Did you finally break up with that sewer rat?"
I laughed."yeah I did."
"Thank god."
"I'll be over soon."


Bella helped me load my shit into her spare room.
"So why'd you leave him?" Bella asked sitting on the bed next to me.
"His weed problem." I replied sighing.
"Oh girl that's gonna be hard to avoid." Bella said taking a hit out of her vape.
I sighed and flipped over, screaming into a pillow.
"Sorry I'm making it worse." Bella said setting her vape down.
"Is it really that hard to find someone who doesn't do drugs or drink?" I asked groaning.
"I don't know. Why don't we go to the bar?"
"Bella I love you but how the fuck is that gonna help."

"Get your mind off of things." Bella suggested.
"I don't want to drink."
"You don't have to drink to have a good time." She argued.
"Get dressed in a costume."
"It's Halloween dork."

I threw on a short pink dress and a crown. "Sleeping beauty it is." I muttered looking in the mirror.
"You ready?"
I nodded.

The bar was pretty small.
Everyone was wearing a costume of some sort.
Bella ran off to talk to some guy named Lucas.
I walked over to a seating area next to the counter.
A boy with bright blonde hair sat there scrolling through his phone.
"Can I help you get a drink?" The bartender asked.
"No thanks I don't drink. Just here for a friend." I replied.
The bar tender nodded.
The boy next to me looked up from his phone.

He was dressed as Danny Phantom.
"You don't drink either? Sorry if this is weird to ask." He spoke.
"No you're completely fine. But yeah I don't drink or do drugs." I replied.
"Me either. Glad to meet someone else who stays sober." He laughed.
I smile "right. I don't get what's so appealing about drugs or alcohol."

"Me either! Plus I know it wouldn't make my life any better in the future."
"Exactly! You get it!"

"I'm awsten by the way. Awsten with a W." I smiled at Awsten. He was quite pretty.
"That's sick. Nice to meet you too. I'm y/n."
"I hate bars." I spoke.
"Me too. The people here are wild."
"I haven't met anyone else who is the same way I am. That's pretty cool."

"Can I get your number?" Awsten asked.
"Yeah of course."
Awsten and I chatted for the rest of the night before I had to take drunk Bella home.

"Awsten and I chatted for the rest of the night before I had to take drunk Bella home

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