Love song

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You've got me writing sappy songs I used to laugh at on my own

❥ You've got me writing sappy songs I used to laugh at on my own ❥

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Awsten and I met at a concert an All time low concert to be exact. We spent the whole night talking and dancing together, we exchanged numbers before the night was over.

Awsten and I got to know each other better and quickly became inseparable. We fell deeper in love every day.

"Y/n." Awsten said walking into my room.
"Hm?" I said blending in my makeup.
"So the boys and I have a concert planned tonight and I was hoping you would want to go?" He said fiddling with his rings.

I sat my makeup brushes down.
I smiled and walked over to him
I picked up his hands.
"Awsten, I would love to go to your concert." I said quickly pecking his lips.
"Good." He smiled.

The night of the concert arrived, and Awsten, Geoff, and Otto took the stage. Awsten started talking through the microphone.

"As many of you know. I have a girlfriend. This next song is dedicated to her." He smiled as the crowd went wild.
"But first I'd like to say a few words." He said looking at me smiling.
I smiled and he turned to Geoff and Otto and said, "I remember the moment I saw her. She was dancing like no one was watching, and I couldn't take my eyes off her."


Geoff and Otto smiled at Awsten, and Geoff said, "We knew from the moment we saw her that she was the one for you."

I couldn't stop smiling. The crowd was cheering really loud. Girls beside me squealed.
I was standing right in front of the stage.

Awsten looked at me and smiled.
"I love you y/n" he said as he started singing.

(You can pick the song he sang)

The concert ended and I quickly ran backstage to find Awsten. I hugged Awsten as tight as I could. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close.
"I love you so much." I said as a huge smile spread across his face.
"I take it you liked it?" He laughed.
I laughed and kissed him quickly.

"Hate to ruin the moment but." A voice said I was both turned around.
Geoff and Otto walked up to me and Awsten. "That was adorable." Geoff said. "You guys are definitely eachothers lucky person." Geoff said holding in a laugh.

Otto nodded in agreement while laughing. "You guys definitely are." he said.

Awsten quickly faced the boys as he sneaked his arm around my waist.

"Thanks, guys," Awsten said. "I could of done it without you bc I'm just that amazing but still thank you"

Geoff rolled his eyes and Otto grinned. "Anytime," he said.

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