Hair dye

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"I love you so"

I picked up my broken hair brush and ran it through my pastel blue hair

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I picked up my broken hair brush and ran it through my pastel blue hair.
My roots were coming in hot and bad.
I think it's about time I go and pick up more hair dye.
Target we go.

I walked into target and went straight to the hair dye.
I'm contemplating between pink or purple
I pick up both boxes.

"You should do purple." Someone said.
I turned my head to see a tall boy with red hair.
"Huh?" I asked confused.
"You should go with purple. Purple looks good on everyone." He said.
I smiled.
"Maybe but I've never done purple before so I'm not  sure if I will like it." I said looking at him.
"Trust me. I had purple hair a few years ago." He said holding a box of red hair dye and 5 of the same CDs.

I looked at him weirdly.
"What? Ohh." He said looking at the CDs.
"I'm buying a bunch of my bands CDs. My friends have the others." He said.
"Oh cool. What's your band called?" I asked.
"Waterparks." He said.
"I'll have to give you guys a listen." I said.
I swear I saw his eyes light up.
"Here I'll just give you one of the CDs I'm gonna buy." He said.

"You don't have too-"
"No I insist."
I sat the blue hair dye down.
"Good choice." He said smiling.
"I'm taking your word for it." I said  laughing.
"You'll have to let me know how it goes."
He said.
I raised my eyebrow.
"Here I'll follow your Instagram." He said.
I gave him my Instagram.
(Your_user) @awstenknight has requested to follow you.

I quickly accepted the follow request and followed him back.
"Y/n, huh?"'he said.
"Yep. And Awsten?" I said.
He nodded and smiled.
"I'll Dm you the results?" I asked.
"Sure." He said followed by a "I'll look forward to it."

Two other boys came up behind Awsten.
One was holding a stack of one dollar bills and the other was holding more CDs.
"Y/n. This is Geoff and Otto." He said.
"Cool. Nice to meet you guys." I said smiling.
Geoff gave Awsten a questioning look and Otto just smiled.

"We are buying y/n a fucking amazing  target exclusive CD." Awsten said.
"Cool. Is y/n a fan?" Otto asked.
"They will be." Awsten said winking.
Awsten bought me a CD and I walked back to my car and played it.
This is the start of a new interest.

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