𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂

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The next day was a day off for the group, and Seungmin woke up still in his little mindset. He grabbed his PuppyM plushie and headed to the kitchen. Only Jeongin was up, the others were still sleeping taking advantage of this precious day. Hearing someone's presence the maknae turned around to see a still sleepy little rubbing his eyes.

"Hi Seungmin" greeted I.N, unaware of the boy still being little.

"'M not Seungmin, 'm puppy" pouted the physically older one, still with his plushie in his hand.

"Oh sorry little pup, I didn't know you were still feeling small. What about we make some breakfast for you and for your PuppyM?" offered Jeongin.

The little nodded, pointing at the toaster.

"Oh, you want some toast?" the maknae immediately started to spread the warm toast with chocolate spread after the little pointed to the jar that contained it.

The youngest started to cut Seungmin's toast into bite sizes so that there was no risk of the little choking.

"Here you go little pup. Do you wanna watch a movie with Innie?"

The little nodded, but didn't move even when Jeongin started to walk towards the living room.

"Hyungie? Uppies?" asked Seungmin full of hope. The maknae smiled and gave the little a piggyback ride to the living room, before going back to grab the plate with the toast pieces.

Ten minutes later, one by one the rest of the group woke up and witnessed the cuteness of the scene in front of their eyes. Jeongin fell asleep again with the TV still playing and Seungmin was sleeping resting his head on the maknae's hip, since the former was sleeping on his side. The little had his thumb in his mouth and PuppyM on his chest. The others quietly left the room, making breakfast for themself. When the two youngest members appeared again, the others cooed. Jeongin was carrying Seungmin on his hip, the second youngest wearing his only dongsaeng's oversized hoodie, with his precious PuppyM in the hood.

Once everyone had had breakfast, Changbin offered to go to the mall to buy some gifts for Seungmin. The little was really excited, so when Chan went with the vocalist to his room to get changed, the others planned on what to buy. They soon came up with a plan: Felix and Lee Know would stay with the little to buy ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, while the others would split up to buy necessities and toys for the little. They would also buy two pet bowls and some dog toys in case Seungmin ever slips into petspace.

When Seungmin was dressed in Chan's oversized hoodies, they finally left the dorm. Their manager drove them there and the second youngest revealed to be really good at hiding his headspace, however he couldn't help but squeal excitedly seeing the giant plushies in the toys section. Following their plan, everyone except the two dancers dispersed to find everything they needed or wanted to buy, but Han and Changbin had to buy the ingredients for the cookies instead of the little, as the vocalist was too busy choosing a plushie. Felix couldn't resist plushies and with the excuse of buying one for the little he bought a small plushie keychain for himself. Lee Know was watching them with a serious face, probably wondering what could other people could think of them, three adults squealing and laughing surrounded by tons of plushies. But the vocalist didn't care, and as long as the little wasn't worried, Felix wasn't worried either.

Meanwhile the two rappers were buying ingredients for cookies and surprisingly they did the task extremely quickly, so they had enough time to buy some items for Seungmin, specifically some sippy cups, bottles and pacifiers. Also a cute bracelet that Han found too cute to be left there.

Hyunjin and Jeongin were buying accessories for the little. They found a fluffy purple blanket and put it in the cart, along with some Carnival costumes and some toys.

Chan was buying pet accessories. He had found some pet bowls and dog toys, but didn't take too many to avoid spending money in useless objects, since he didn't know if Seungmin really used pet regression as a stress-relief method.

In the end, everyone filled their cart except for Chan, who had his cart barely half full. Everyone insisted for Chan to pay, clapping and cheering once the leader gave up. Seungmin didn't have any clue about what the others were doing, but he just laughed and clapped with the others.

Eventually it was lunchtime. The group was back home and decided to make some ramen. The little was really hungry after the mall adventure, so Felix let him sit on his lap and started feeding him his food. When the little was finally full, everyone sat in the living room to watch TV.

"What do you wanna watch pup?" asked Chan.

The little shrugged, he just wanted to stay with his hyungs.

"What if we watch the SKZOO dance practice? And then we make cookies?" offered I.N.

Seungmin nodded. That sounded perfect.

Hyunjin setted up the video on the TV's YouTube and everyone watched the choreography. Seungmin giggled and clapped happily every time PuppyM was the center, showing his plushie the video too.

Tired from all the fun things he did with his hyungs in the morning, Seungmin fell asleep before the video could even finish.


Thanks to leem1inho for voting and supporting me!
Anyways thanks for your support and I will publish the next chapter in a couple days love you all <333

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