𝓕𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷

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The day after, Jeongin woke up little, whining when he didn't find Chaeryeong by his side. Chan woke up too hearing the noise. Looking around he saw the boy desperately looking for someone.

"Shh baby, what's up?"

"ChaeChae an' Yeji no hewe!" cried the maknae.

"Aww little fox... you have Channie now. We can visit ChaeChae and Yeji later hm? What about we go and eat something now?" suggested the oldest.

Still sobbing the little nodded and made grabby hands towards the leader. Smiling the older picked him up and carried him to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat foxy?" asked Chan. The little shyly pointed to the toaster while passing his hand on his eyes to wipe the tears.

"Oh you want some toast?" Seeing the youngest nodding satisfied, Chan chuckled and proceeded to make some toast for his dongsaeng.

"Do you want anything on the toast?" asked Chan. The little shook his head no and once the oldest handed him the plate he started to nibble on his bread.

The oldest cooed and watched him eat. When he was halfway through his breakfast though, he stopped.

"What's up little fox?" asked Chan.

The he saw Seungmin enter the room, widening his eyes at the sight of Jeongin.

Whimpering, the youngest gave Chan a pleading look. Understanding, the leader picked him up and placed him on his laps, letting him bury his head in his shoulder, before greeting the younger.

"Good morning" said the older.

The older vocalist greeted back, rubbing his eyes.

"Why is Jeongin here?" asked Seungmin.

Jeongin silently whimpered again, thinking Seungmin didn't accept him in the dorm.

"He's staying here Min" smiled Chan. Seungmin's eyes lit up and the boy ran to hug his only dongsaeng.

"I thought you hated me" mumbled Seungmin holding tightly the younger.

"Never hate puppy" smiled shyly Jeongin, lifting his head up and making grabby hands towards the older.

Cooing, the vocalist picked him up and carried him toward the living room.

"Do you want to watch a movie baby fox?" the boy felt exceptionally small hearing his favourite nickname. Not understanding why he was feeling like that, Jeongin started to whine and babble incoherently.

"Aww baby..." Seungmin couldn't understand what was happening to Jeongin, but seeing him uncomfortable made him sad.

"Do you want to see Inside Out again?" asked Seungmin, remembering his friend's favourite movie.

The younger didn't answer so the oldest just put on the movie, letting the little enjoy it. Wiping his tears, the youngest giggled looking at the colorful characters.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket Seungmin started to watch a video, but was soon interrupted by light sobs.

"Noo baby fox what happened?" cooed Seungmin wiping some tears from the younger's eyes. Then he looked at the TV screen and understood why. Joy was crying desperately seeing some memories.

The others woke up too hearing the noise and witnessed the cuteness of Jeongin with his orange pacifier in his mouth. He was crying, but Chan was there in a second.

"He probably slipped younger" commented Seungmin. "He's probably just some months old"

"Oh, ok. Your sippy cups won't be the best option then" thought out loud the leader.

"I can go buy some baby bottles if you want" offered the vocalist.

"Nah, Yeji left me one yesterday, along with this cute foxy" smiled the oldest booping the baby's nose.

Giggling, the youngest started to babble.

"I'll go fill that bottle up then" concluded Seungmin exiting the living room.

"Uhm... any explanation?" asked Hyunjin, confused but in a positive way.

"Our Jeonginnie is actually a cute little baby. Isn't it right baby fox?"

The little babbled making grabby hands towards Felix, who gladly picked his baby up and chuckled, speaking with a high pitched voice to make the youngest smile.

"Are you back baby fox? Bokkie missed his baby fox" pouted the dancer.

"But now the baby fox is back!" added the little sunshine smiling brightly, seeing Jeongin sadden at his pout.

"Yeah, he's back, and we will make sure he won't ever feel abandoned again" smiled Chan, kissing Jeongin's forehead, who started to babble, happy to be with his friends again.


-1 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT (8 TT's one for each skz member lol)

The part where I described Inside Out may be not that accurate since I watched it in Italian so yeah haha
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