𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰

751 26 43

Once settled on the couch, Jeongin hugged Seungmin tightly.

"Why this Innie?" the little, around three years old, was surprised by his hyung. He always thought the maknae hated him because he made the Aussie line stay in Seoul. Seungmin actually heard Chan worrying over the phone because Jeongin was furious at him. The physically oldest vocalist blamed himself for that, even if the two Aussie friends reassured him everything was okay and they would handle the maknae when he came back.

"I'm sorry Minnie..." the youngest hugged Seungmin tighter. "Things are hard for me in this moment, and I'm not in the best state right now, but I blamed you for everything that happened to me. Could you please forgive me?"

The two vocalist looked at each other in the eyes, Seungmin speaking up first.

"Forgive Innie" mumbled the little with his face buried in Jeongin's neck.

The youngest smiled and broke the hug.

"Can I tell you a secret? To make it up for you for being such a meanie?"

"Yay! Secret!"  The little was excited to have a secret to keep.

"Why do you give bities to the members?" asked Jeongin.

"Sometimes 'm stressed and it make me relax" explained the little worried. Things were not going the way he expected.

"Pup, you need to keep it a secret otherwise the members will be really angry at me. Ok?" Earning a nod from the little, the maknae continued. "Some time ago, while you were sleeping, we gathered in the living room and talked about little you. They pretend to like taking care of you, but in reality they are tired of your childish behaviour. And the bities... that's the biggest problem puppy. The members find them annoying"

"Bu' me not know?" Seungmin had tears in his eyes. With him the members have always been honest, so if they didn't like something about him, they would have straight up told him. The look of betrayal in the little's eyes saddened Jeongin a bit.

"Remember, don't tell anyone alright? And now stop with all of those tears, you had to know sooner or later, and the sooner the better, hm?" Jeongin smiled and carefully caressed the little's tears with his thumb, engulfing him in a giant hug.

Once the little calmed down, the maknae grabbed his phone.

"Want to watch a video little one?"

The two watched videos for a while, specifically the Hey Tayo MV on loop, until Seungmin yawned.

"I think it's time for a nap, isn't it little one?" talking sweetly, Jeongin carried Seungmin koala-style to his bed, where the two cuddled until the little fell asleep.

Returning to the kitchen the vocalist was greeted with the sight of the two Australian friends covered in flour, eggs, melted chocolate and pieces of ramyeon with red gochujang on every part of their clothes.

"Uhm... was wearing an apron a choice?" the maknae said grimacing at the sight.

"Yeah, but we chose to ignore it" said Felix, chill.

"Eat now Innie, the ramyeon will get cold" Chan served a plate of ramyeon to the youngest and sighed.

Once Jeongin finished his food everyone went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Seungmin woke up big because of a nightmare, but decided not to wake his members up, remembering Jeongin's words. However, Chan heard his whimpers while going to the bathroom and hurried towards the younger's room.

"Pup can you tell Channie what's wrong?"

"Nothing hyung, just had a nightmare and it was scary" answered the boy.

"What about you slip and forget about it?" suggested Chan.

"No, it will be too much of a bother for you hyung" Seungmin said.

"Min, you're never a bother. Who told you that? Another hater? You should stop looking through social medias, you know that it won't hel-"

"It was Jeongin" the vocalist cutted off his leader's speech and looked down embarassed. He wasn't supposed to tell Chan what the maknae said to him, but the oldest looked really worried and Seungmin hated seeing his leader like this.

"Jeongin? What did he say?" Now Chan looked angry, no, more than that. He was furious. And so scary.

"He said that you only pretend to like little me and you hate my bities and you had a meeting to discuss this while I was asleep" stuttered the boy.

"None of this is true Seungmin, I swear on my laptop" Seungmin giggled at that.

"Aww my baby is laughing now hm?" Chan offered him his finger and Seungmin gave a bitie to it, instantly giggling again.

Chan giggled with him, glad that his baby was happy.

"My puppy is tired now hm? Let's go to sleep, Channie will sleep with you"

Chan layed next to Seungmin and caressed his head. The youngest relaxed feeling his touch. Once the leader made sure Seungmin was asleep, he went to Jeongin's room and woke him up.

"Hyung it's 2 AM" complained the maknae.

"2 AM or not, we need to talk."

My heart broke writing about Jeongin being the bad character :( 
Vote and comment pls
This time I did proofread the chapter, but pls correct me if you find any errors

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