𝓣𝓸 𝓑𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮

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Soon the Christmas holidays arrived. Everyone was excited to go back to their family, eat some mom-made food and relax without thinking of anything. This year Christmas would be even more special for Jeongin. The eight boys had already everything planned months ago. Jeongin would go to Busan to see his family, and three days later Chan and Felix would join him, since the journey to Australia would have been too long. Everyone else could spend the holidays with their parents without any problem. Well, almost everyone. 

Seungmin started to slip in littlespace more frequently after he showed that side of himself to his groupmates. It wasn't a problem when his friends took care of him, but it could be a problem when going back to his house. Seungmin's parents hated everything that was strange or uncommon, no matter who it was, or what it was. The boy's sister had to find another house to live in after she told their parents she was lesbian and had a girlfriend. 

At least now she's happy, thought Seungmin, remembering the faces of his parents at the sudden news. The shouts, the insults Seungmin's sister and her parents threw at each other while Seungmin was in his room crying, that was something the boy hated to remember. 

The day before the official start of the holidays, Seungmin went to Chan's studio while the leader was working and asked him if he could stay to the dorm with him, since he couldn't go home, at least at the moment. Chan listened to his friend's reasons to why he couldn't go to his parents and agreed to spend the holidays with him. The leader saved the work he was doing and called Felix to tell him what happened and that he was staying. The other Aussie not only understood the vocalist, but also asked him if he could stay too, to which the boy happily agreed.

But no one told Jeongin about it. Unaware of everything, the boy spent the first three days in Busan with his parents and brother, having fun going to amusement parks or going for a walk in the evening near the Busan Tower.

On the fourth day, Jeongin was more than excited to meet his friends, however, they didn't come in the morning, nor in the afternoon. At 6 PM the boy started to get worried, thinking his groupmates got into an accident or something. Nervously scrolling through his contact list, Jeongin found Chan's number and called him.

"Hi Chan hyung! When are you coming?" asked the maknae happily to hide his worry.

"About that, sorry, I didn't warn you before but we're staying in Seoul for the holidays. Seungmin can't be little in front of his parents but was scared of slipping so he didn't take any risk. Yeah, sorry if we didn't tell you before, we forgot" the leader sounded really sorry, but Jeongin was really angry at him. 

"We? Felix is staying too?" 

"Yes, as I said, I'm sorry" Chan could hear his dongsaeng's angry voice, and knew he was at fault. 

"Your sorry won't fix it Chan! This holiday together was the only thing I was looking forward to! I'm not talking about the extra mattresses I prepared for you two, but the fact that you 'forgot' to tell me and that you chose Seungmin over me!" Jeongin was deeply hurt while mocking Chan's 'forgot'. 

Before giving the leader the time to explain the youngest continued.

"You could have asked me! 'Hey Jeongin, can Seungmin tag along?' But NO! Now we can't spend time together and I waited like a fool for three days. Waited for boys who don't actually want to spend time with me." finished Jeongin bitterly.

"No Jeong-"

"Save it hyung!" with that, Jeongin ended the call. He knew he was being childish, but he was really mad at Chan.

When the leader saw a call from Jeongin, he already knew he screwed up. Hearing his dongsaeng yelling at him how heartbroken he was made him feel a bad leader and friend but the thing that broke Chan the most was hearing 'hyung' instead of his name before Jeongin hang up on him. He knew it wasn't to respect him, but to keep distance and formalities with him. Just by doing a mistake he hurted Jeongin so badly, what could he do to make up for it?

With his head full of thoughts, Chan got back to his room. Felix and Seungmin could hear steps heading to the bedrooms and a door slam. But what shocked the two the most was that, after the door locked, they could hear faint crying.

Author's note:

This was really sad to write TT my exams are coming and I'm not ready at all :(

Please vote and comment to help me stay sane while studying as if my life is at risk :)

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