𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷

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The others had their breakfast quickly while Jeongin tiredly sucked on the bottle. The milk with honey was comforting for the poor boy, who was exhausted by all the crying. The rest of Stray Kids was gathered in living room, happy to have Jeongin back.

Seungmin didn't want to be little, he absolutely didn't want to since he would take the attention of his members from the youngest, who needed it more than him.

Sighing, the oldest vocalist entered the kitchen. Opening a cupboard searching for food, the vocalist's gaze fell on something.

"I... I guess it wouldn't hurt" mumbled Seungmin.

Taking the pet bowl out, the vocalist filled it with some cornflakes, getting down on his hands and knees instantly entering his petspace. Being an energetic puppy, the first thing he did after eating was going back to the living room barking excitedly.

Jeongin was about to fall asleep, laid down on the couch with his head on Felix's laps, but was startled by the loud noises. Crying loudly the youngest made the puppy whimper, but the oldest vocalist knew he was the one who did wrong.
So he pouted and with the most innocent eyes possible he laid his head on the couch and whined quietly.

"Look baby fox, it's a puppy!" smiled Felix trying to calm down the poor boy.

"Caress him slowly, like this. Come on little fox, you can do it" encouraged the dancer demonstrating how he needed to do it. Seungmin was enjoying a lot feeling Felix's hand on his head, but he wanted Jeongin's cuddles too, to ask forgiveness to the youngest.
Jeongin caressed Seungmin and giggled. They were really cute together and Chan couldn't help but snap a few pictures of the three.

Jeongin got down from the couch and started to play with his friend. In his little mind it wasn't hard at all to imagine his bandmate as a bigger version of PuppyM, and Seungmin was well aware that his dongsaeng felt really small, so he needed to be a good and calm puppy to avoid scaring him. The two moved to Jeongin's bedroom since the little was still tired. Minho was in the kitchen preparing warm milk for both of them, dividing it equally into a baby bottle and a pet bowl. Once it was ready, the second oldest of the group brought it to the two friends, who were already falling asleep. Chan held the bottle for his baby, and Changbin was caressing Seungmin's back, who seemed to really appreciate that affection after all the commotion of the previous days.

Meanwhile Minho, Felix and Hyunjin were at the mall to buy items for both the little and the pet. Felix was buying new toys for Jeongin, Hyunjin was buying baby bottles and pet bowls and Minho was searching for pet toys. Once they finished shopping they exited with two big shopping bags full of items.

When the dance racha came back, they found everyone except the regressors in the kitchen baking brownies. Felix, who had all the bags in his hands, dropped them in shock.

"They're not done like that! You need to melt the chocolate before pouring it in! It won't melt itself" explained the dancer while trying to save the mess the others created.

"Well then you try it you five-star Michelin" Changbin playfully rolled his eyes at his bandmate, mocking his line in God's Menu.

"Yeah, that's what I was about to do" replied Felix faking annoyance, continuing to mix the ingredients correctly.

The others smiled at this interaction, appreciating the fact that they were finally united again.

Once the two younger members woke up again, everyone gathered in the living room to watch Peter Pan. Jeongin was now 1 and a half years old, while Seungmin was still in his puppy space.

The dance racha showed the two regressors the items they bought at the mall and Jeongin was super excited to try everything out. Chuckling Jisung washed a fox-decorated bottle and a baby blue pet bowl while the others made sure the two maknaes were comfortable. Pouring some orange juice in the bottle and some cereal in the pet bowl he returned to the living room, earning cheers from the little and excited barks from the puppy.

In the end the two regressors fell asleep again, and while the others cleaned up, the two Aussie friends layed them on Jeongin's bed, with the youngest under the covers and his friend next to him.

"I was scared of losing both of them at some point" admitted Chan to Felix while plopping a pacifier in the youngest's mouth.

"Me too, but thanks to Yeji and Chaeryeong we found them and we had the opportunity to regain their trust" hummed the younger.

"I thought about our behaviour towards Innie. I'm sorry that his parents are like Seungmin's ones, but we didn't know anything about it. Does it mean he didn't trust us enough to tell us?" asked the leader.

"It's hard to tell others this type of things, so I don't blame him. He probably thought we would react like his parents if he told us about his littlespace" reasoned Felix.

"I promise that from now on I will be the best leader to you" promised the oldest to his sleeping dongsaengs.

In that moment, Jeongin smiled. Chan wasn't sure if the youngest was still asleep or not, but he knew that his friend just gave him a second chance.


As promised this book finishes with some cuteness overload! YAY! I spent a lot of effort in this book so please vote, comment and share!

What was your favourite chapter of the book? And what made you read until the end?

Should I make a Book 2 of this? I had so much fun writing and I am so satisfied with the result <3

I never dedicated a chapter to anyone except leem1inho but this chapter is for cuddlepilefics because her books are my inspiration <3

thanks to everyone  who read my book and supported my writing, I hope I didn't let you down and I hope you will continue loving my books 🥺  I wish you all a lovely day and remember to eat your meals regularly, to drink a lot of water, to get a good amount of sleep every night and remember that you are loved, even if you feel like no one's by your side. There's Chan, there are Stray Kids and there's me. If you feel like you're lonely, come to me. Find me. I'll always do my best to help. <3 I LOVE YOU ALL

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