𝓕𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹

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"Hyung I-"

"SHUT UP JEONGIN! What did you say to Seungmin?" the leader was shouting, not caring about the time.

"What? Hyung what are you talking about?" the maknae was confused, but Chan wasn't having it.

"Oh yeah, you don't remember? Well, let me help you then. You told Seungmin that we think he's annoying and that we hate his bities, that he's a problem... now do you remember?" the oldest looked like he wanted to slap the life out of Jeongin, so the maknae protected himself hugging his pillow and burying his face into it.


Jeongin took a little bag from a drawer and grabbed his phone before storming out of the room not caring about Chan, who stood there with his heart broken. He never meant to hurt Jeongin, yet he was doing it again and again.

Jeongin knocked impatiently at a specific door, until someone opened it.

"Jeongin? Why are you here?"

"Yeji can I stay at your dorm for some time?" pleaded the maknae.

"Is something happening between your groupmates?" asked the leader of Itzy confused.

"I don't wanna explain right now, please can I get in? I'm scared someone of my group is searching for me..." Jeongin anxiously looked behind me, but luckily for him the corridor was empty and no noise could be heard.

"Come in, uhm... do you know what age regression is?" asked the girl suspiciously.

Jeongin widened his eyes but nodded.

"Promise you won't tell anyone." Yeji was serious.

The boy promised and then let Yeji continue.

"Chaeryeong is a little, and I thought it was better to tell you before you found out by accident" explained Yeji.

"No way! I'm a little too!" Jeongin was excited and completely forgot about everything, including the fact that he was wearing only his pyjama and an old pair of slippers.

"Come in then!" Yeji was excited too, finally she found another little for Chae to play with.

"Do you want to be little? Forget for some time what happened with your members?"

Jeongin was already slipping at the thought of his members disappointed in him, but hearing Yeji's sweet voice he slipped completely, crying while plopping on the floor covering his eyes with his hands.

"Aww baby, don't cry. Others are doing ni-ni, we don't want them to wake hm?" cooed Yeji picking the boy up and caressing his cheek.

"You're so light baby, you should eat more. Do you want some milk?" Yeji giggled trying to make Jeongin smile, and it worked. Jeongin was giggling too, with his eyes sparkling at the mention of the his comfort drink.

"Can you tell me how old are you baby?"

Jeongin lifted two fingers, then pouted and took away one, leaving one finger up.

"Aww you're a little baby? Let's make a bottle for this baby then" Yeji smiled and went to the kitchen with Jeongin on his hip, preparing a bottle for him.

"Do you want chocolate milk? ChaeChae always wants chocolate milk, but she's a bit older than you, she's four or five usually" thought Yeji.

Jeongin didn't seem to understand a word of what was being said, but whined. He just wanted his milk, why was Yeji talking so much? Luckily the girl understood and fed him normal milk, that Jeongin drank quietly.

Once the bottle was finished, Yeji tried to take it but the little refused, holding the nipple of the bottle with his teeth.

"Aww baby, I know you want more, but we need to go to sleep now, aren't you tired? I know you are tired, it's really late and babies like you should go to sleep way earlier than this"

Yeji took the bottle from Jeongin and continued to whisper sweet nothings into the little's ears while carrying him to her bed, then laid him down before laying next to him since her bed was big.

"Mama..." whined the boy.

"Mama's here baby, she isn't leaving. Mama's here" smiled Yeji, pressing a kiss on Jeongin's forehead and caressing his hair until the boy fell asleep.


Aaah finally some peace for poor Jeonginnie :) also stan ITZY for a better life

Pls vote and comment, it really motivates me!

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