𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮

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Seungmin started to visit Itzy's dorm frequently, and the others thought it was because the boy found another little to play with, and even though it was true, Chaeryeong wasn't the little the vocalist was eager to meet.

Little Jeongin was now happy to have Seungmin by his side. Of course he apologised for being mean, and the oldest accepted the apologies and forgot everything. Yes, even in littlespace Seungmin was bigger than his friend. The oldest vocalist's little age was around four, while Jeongin was one or two usually. Chaeryeong was the oldest out of all of them, five years old in littlespace.

The play dates the three had were really fun, usually they would play family with Chaeryeong being the mom who would take care of the baby (Jeongin) and Seungmin being the dad, who had to work hard every day. With working, the little meant coloring some pictures for the others. And of course, Jeongin didn't even understand they were playing and just watched as his friend exited the bedroom claiming that he was going to work and he would be back by 7 PM. But Chaeryeong was a perfect mom, always making sure the baby wasn't hungry, tired or hurt.

When it rained, the littles would build a fort with unnies/noonas and all together they would watch a movie inside it, usually Inside Out since the youngest loved the characters even if he couldn't follow the movie's storyline.

The other Stray Kids members weren't allowed in Itzy's dorm though, so when their little went to visit the girls, the boys would search for Jeongin without knowing the maknae was nearer than they would ever imagined. They would call every friend of Jeongin to ask if they saw him, but no one did recently.

"Do you miss Jeongin, pup?" asked Felix one day. The little was about to go to sleep and Felix was reading him a bedtime story, but suddenly that question came to his mind and the older decided to just ask it. But the answer shocked him.

"No hyungie" with a smile the little answered and then pointed to the book Felix was holding to ask him to continue reading. However the older shook his head no and closed it, putting it to the side before facing Seungmin.

"Why not?" The dancer couldn't ask anything else, his throat dry and tears already making their way to his eyes. Was the little still angry at Jeongin? They hated each other? What about their group, would it fall apart? And what about his friends? Would they get better? The second answer, though, was even more shocking than the first one for the little sunshine.

"I always play with him so we friends again" after answering this second question, the little pointed again to the book and this time Felix nodded before opening the book at the page they were on and continuing reading until the boy next to him fell asleep.

"He sees him almost every day and we didn't know" told Felix to the others almost crying.

"Why would he want to see us? He hates us and honestly, he has all the reasons to do so. We treated him so badly that he deserves way better than us" said Chan bitterly.

"But where do they meet? I mean, he doesn't visit anyone besides..."

"Itzy's dorm" completed Hyunjin.

Everyone realized what it meant and lowered their head.

Ryujin lied to keep Jeongin safe from them.

Everyone headed to their respective room, except Felix. He was determined to see his group together again and not caring about the time he put on his shoes. Heading to Itzy's dorm, the dancer wanted to cry. But he held it in for Jeongin.

It was 10 PM, and the boy was sure that all the Itzy members were still awake. If his groupmates were in their room it was only because they needed some time alone, surely not because they were tired.

Knocking to Itzy's door, Felix was greeted by Chaeryeong, who looked completely normal except for a spark of innocence that the boy couldn't recognize in that moment. Only when Yeji's voice could be heard the dancer understood what it was.

"ChaeChae, who is it sweets?"

"It Felix mommy" answered the girl turning to the other side.

"Come in" the little dragged Felix to the kitchen where the other girls were gathered. Yeji had Jeongin on his hip and Lia was feeding him his bottle, while Ryujin had another bottle in her hand. Yuna was waiting for Chaeryeong to go back on her hip, but everyone quickly turned to Jeongin hearing his desperate cries. The little saw Felix and even though he knew the boy didn't do anything to him he still was scared that he would tell the others where he was hiding. Felix was shocked. Was Jeongin a little too? That's why he was hiding? That's why he was jealous? How long has the boy been hiding his secret? The dancer just froze and tried to process everything, while the five girls tried to calm down Jeongin.

rushed chapter yayyy last day of school for me :) pls vote and comment:))))

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