𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 2

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When Seungmin woke up, everyone was already making cookies. The little rushed to the kitchen to see everyone baking or helping. His eyes filled up with tears and he sat on the floor, crying and wailing loudly. Everyone was by his side in a second.

"What's wrong pup? Are you hurt?" worried Chan.

"You- You nuh wait puppy! You- You said after video we- we make cookies but you make without me." hiccupped the vocalist, sad and angry because his hyung didn't keep their promise.

"Come here Minnie..." requested Felix sweetly while getting close to the table where he was shaping some dough. The little followed him and sat on a chair facing him.

"We didn't wake you up because we thought you were doing a nice dream, and no one wants to be woken up when they're doing nice dreams right? Besides, I've still got some cookie dough here, do you wanna shape it? We left it here for you, so that you could have some fun too once you wake up." The dancer smiled, explaining everything to his dongsaeng. Actually he didn't leave that piece of dough for the little, the plan was to wake him up once the cookies were ready, but Seungmin seemed so sad that he didn't get to wake up earlier to bake with them.

Wiping away his tears, the vocalist happily grabbed the piece of dough his hyung was offering him and started shaping it into strange ovals, little triangles and waterdrops-like shapes. He then rearranged them so that the shaped looked like SKZOO members. Sure, Wolf Chan had an ear bigger than the other and Bbokari had a giant face with no eyes, but the little really worked hard to make them and no one had the right to judge the cookies in a negative way. Not that anyone had any flaws to point out though, they all found the cookies extremely cute.

Once the vocalist's cookies were in the oven, the younger members moved again to the living room. While the hyung line waited for the last cookies to be ready while chatting together, the maknae line gathered all the blankets and pillows they had (including Chan's quilt and bed pillow but shh that's a secret) and built a blanket fort that occupied the whole living room. The TV was now under a blanket so if someone wanted to use it, he would have to get in the fort to do so. Or to undo the fort, but the little was ready to prevent that happening in any way.

Soon the SKZOO cookies were ready. Chan was taking them out of the oven while the others went to check on the maknaes. Seeing the leader's quilt being the roof of the fort, Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin worried.

"Now you're screwed!" exclaimed Minho.

Hyunjin was already back to Chan, who was putting the cookies into a kids plate for Seungmin and on a big plate for the others.

"You might not want to go in the living room" said Hyunjin in a worried tone. Now, he knew that Chan could never be angry on his friends but making a drama out of everything was his favourite thing.

"Is someone hurt?" asked the leader already worried about his groupmates.

"No but... the maknae line may have used your quilt to build a fort" the dancer emphatized the word may.

Sighing deeply, Chan made his way to the living room with the cookies for everyone. Hyunjin was right, his quilt was now covering the couch and the TV, as well as a giggling maknae line.

Smiling, Chan called Seungmin and gave him his cookies, then everyone got in the fort and watched some kids show until Seungmin was tired again. The little insisted to sleep on the couch covered by the fort, so the others lowered their voice volume and the TV volume. That way the little could sleep peacefully. After the little fell asleep, everyone got up from the couch. Felix and Chan made some ramyeon for the group, Changbin carried Seungmin to his room and the others chatted quietly waiting for the food. When it was ready, everyone ate in silence and left Minho to do the dishes. Everyone fell asleep happily, after the exciting day.


I wanted to publish this because I felt like it lol
I want to go home

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